
Pharmacy Practice Implementation

Strategies to adopt and integrate evidence-based medical interventions into clinical and community settings to improve patient outcomes and benefit population health is a pivotal aspect of implementation science. Implementation of new research findings into practice is a fundamental challenge that requires the concerted effort of key stakeholders without a healthcare network. Faculty within this discipline are engaged in science of implementation and identifying models that that are pragmatic and scalable.


Bo Wen photo

Amy Pasternak, PharmD

Clinical Assistant Professor

John Clark, PharmD

Clinical Associate Professor

Antoinette Coe, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Bo Wen photo

Karen Farris, PhD


Stanley Kent, RPh, MS

Clinical Assistant Professor

Bo Wen photo

Michael Kraft, PharmD

Clinical Professor

Kristen Ward, PharmD

Clinical Assistant Professor





Listing Row

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Tuesday, January 28, 2020