Biochemical Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (BNMR) Services

Want to Know More About Your Small Molecules and Metabolomics?

We provide full-service consultation, sample processing and results. Our BNMR core is open to U-M faculty, graduate students, postdocs and external investigators. Get to know more about our BNMR capabilities. We are excited to work with you!

Small Molecule NMR Services

If you have questions about structure elucidation, what experiments you should run, how to plan your study or data processing, we can help you! We run 1D experiments: 1H and 13C, 2D experiments and we process the data using Mestranova to explore new drug candidates.


We encourage a hands-on experience so that you can run your experiments and access your data. To do that, we require a two-hour training session.

Sample Service

We offer sample services, if you have questions about how to prep your samples, please contact Larisa Yeomans.

Sample Preparation

You can choose to prepare your samples. If you do, be sure you have a quality NMR tube and that your deuterated solvents from an open bottle are not too old.


After running your samples, we will process your data using Mestranova and give you access to the raw data via email or Dropbox.

Do It Yourself

400 MHz
Internal U-M – $7 per hour  (billed in 15-minute increments)
External Users – $60 per hour
500 MHz
Internal U-M  – $10 per hour (billed in 15-minute increments)
External Users – $70 per hour

Consulting Rate

Internal- $80 per hour
External- $100 per hour


Internal U-M: $39 (sample service fee per sample) in addition to hourly fee for machine usage
External: $50 (sample service fee per sample) in addition to hourly fee for machine usage

  • The instruments can be reserved by scheduling equipment time after you have logged into micores for the NMR lab.
  • Once you are trained, you will be granted access to reserve instrument time for the 400MHz and the 500MHz. 
  • The 400MHz can be reserved for up to an hour. Reservations for overnight runs can be longer.  You can reserve over the weekend for as long as you need.
  • The 500MHz can be reserved freely.

*College of Pharmacy graduate students and faculty have reservation priority.

Metabolomics NMR Services

Need to run quantitative untargeted metabolomics? We routinely run samples on a broad range of tissue and biological fluids such as whole blood, serum, plasma urine and cell media.

Sample Collection

Please contact us to discuss your study plan before collecting and submitting samples. We will guide you on the volume and quantity of biofluid samples and study feasibility.

Sample Process

Send us your samples on dry ice, and we will store them until they are processed. We process samples following standard operation procedures and add an internal standard. Metabolomics samples are run on the 500MHz NMR instrument.


After processing, samples are profiled using commercially available Chenomx software. At the end, you will have a list of metabolites (30-50) and their concentration in uM units.


U-M Investigator: $205

External User: Please contact Larisa Yeomans

Meet the Core Team and Contact Us With Any Questions

If you have questions about our services, prepping samples, reserving times or anything else, please contact us.

Larisa Yeomans, PhD Co-Director
Kathleen Stringer, PharmD Co-Director
Adam Ard, GSI