Welcome to the Department of Clinical Pharmacy. Our faculty are pioneering new approaches to improving lives through better use of medicines with collaborative health services, precision pharmacotherapy, and translational research. We provide direct patient care through innovative, nationally recognized service models, and are advancing the profession with the next generation of educators and innovators through our PharmD Curriculum, Pharmacy Residency Programs, Clinical Pharmacy Translational Science PhD, and Clinical Pharmacy Translational Science Post-Doctoral Fellowship Program.

Congratulations to Professor Karen Farris for winning the American Pharmacists Association’s Tyler Prize for Stimulation of Research!

The Tyler Prize for Stimulation of Research recognizes an individual(s) for encouraging research by peers, students, fellows, residents, and others via publications or by directing research, serving as a preceptor, or mentoring in any discipline of the pharmaceutical sciences. This award is considered one of the three most prestigious APhA scientific awards and is presented every 3 years.

Dr. Karen Farris recieves the Tyler Prize for Stimulation of Research