The College of Pharmacy is committed to providing a safe and secure environment for its students, faculty, employees and visitors to learn, teach, and work. In pursuit of that goal, the college takes a comprehensive approach to protecting our community and preparing for any emergency.

Information provided here will help you familiarize yourself with the college's emergency planning and to prepare yourself in case of an emergency.

The ability to deal with any incident depends on good communication. The university is committed to informing the community of an emergency, disaster or potential disaster immediately upon determining the nature of the emergency. It is important, however, for you to take an active role in staying informed. Using the university's emergency notification system, the Emergency Management Team will notify the campus community of any confirmed emergency or dangerous situation that presents an immediate threat to the health or safety of the community.

Emergency Actions for Building Occupants

Listing Row

Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
  • Active Attacker

    Activation / Notification

    DPSS Active Shooter Safety Guidelines

    1. Report suspicious behavior, threats, and acts of aggression to DPSS immediately by calling 911 as soon as it's safe to do so.
    2. If you do not have a cell phone, Blue Emergency Phones located outside on campus can be used to call 911 (see
    3. Depending on the nature of the threat, DPSS may activate a U-M Emergency Alert.
    4. The COP crisis communication plan will govern communications from COP.


    1. When alerted, building occupants should follow DPSS instructions.
    2. In the absence of a DPSS presence, persons in the area are advised to either "Run, Hide, Fight" ( while awaiting intervention from law enforcement and public safety agencies.
    3. Any classes that are in progress at the time of an activate attacker situation will be suspended. If there is an accessible escape path, use it as quickly as possible, leaving your belongings behind.  If evacuation is not possible, close, lock (if possible), and barricade the door; turn off the lights; remain out of sight; and silence cell phones.  Be prepared to fight as a last resort, using distractions, improvised weapons, and collaborations with others.
    4. No person shall prevent another person (including students) from vacating the premises if they so choose.
  • Building/Maintenance Emergencies (including after hours)

    If building or maintenance situation occur during normal business hours, please immediately report the issue by contacting:

    • Facilities Office located at 1019 Pharmacy Bldg, [email protected], or phone (office) 734-615-6241/(cell) 517-404-2369
    • Safety Officer located at 4058 Pharmacy Bldg, [email protected], or phone (office) 734-764-4887/(cell) 989-412-4726


    If an emergency situation occurs after hours pertaining to the building/maintenance, contact DPSS (763-1131) immediately to report the issue.  This call will activate the university and college's emergency notification and response plans.

  • Fire, Explosion, or Smoke

    Activation / Notification

    1. If you see fire or smoke, activate the fire alarm via the closest pull station. Alert people in the area of the need to evacuate. Immediately exit the building, closing the doors behind you. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.
    2. Call 911 once in a safe location. If you do not have a cell phone use the Blue Emergency Phones located outside on campus (see
    3. Depending on the size of the fire, DPSS may issue a U-M Emergency Alert.
    4. The COP crisis communication plan will govern communications from COP:


    1. If fire alarm sounds, immediately evacuate through the nearest exit to the outside assembly area outside the main entrance at the bus stop on North University Avenue or in front of Weiser Hall and await further instructions from DPSS, facilities management team, safety officer, or BIRT. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. If you need assistance, the stairway landings on all floors in in any of the stairwells in COP and 1100 North University Building are designated as Areas of Rescue Assistance, including the basement landings in both basement stairwells.
    2. Laboratory workers will first implement lab-specific action plans to secure work in progress before evacuating if personal safety is not jeopardized.
    3. Occupants are not to re-enter the building until the "ALL CLEAR" communication is given by DPSS, facilities management team, safety officer, or delegate.
    4. Report any injuries. Call 911 if appropriate; otherwise employees report via, and if non-emergency medical attention is needed for employees:  Injuries from non-employees should be reported here:
  • Hazardous Substance Spill or Release

    Activation / Notification

    1. In the event of a life-threatening hazardous spill/release, activate the fire alarm via the closest pull station. Alert people in the area of the need to evacuate. Immediately exit the building, closing the doors behind you. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS.
    2. Call 911 once in a safe location. If you do not have a cell phone use the Blue Emergency Phones located outside on campus (see
    3. A response can also be initiated by contacting the safety officer 989-412-4726 or facilities management team, either by phone or in person: 1019 Pharmacy, 734-647-2365. If unable to reach them, call U-M Environmental Health & Safety at 734-647-1143 or the Department of Public Safety & Security at 734-763-1131.
    4. The COP crisis communication plan will govern communications from COP.


    1. If fire alarm sounds, immediately evacuate through the nearest exit to the outside assembly area outside the main entrance at the bus stop on North University Avenue or in front of Weiser Hall and await further instructions from DPSS, safety officer, facilities management team, or BIRT. DO NOT USE ELEVATORS. If you need assistance, the stairway landings on all floors in any of the stairwells in COP and 1100 North University Building are designated as Areas of Rescue Assistance, including the basement landings in both basement stairwells.
    2. Laboratory workers will first implement lab-specific action plans to secure work in progress before evacuating if personal safety is not jeopardized.
    3. If a building evacuation is not necessary, affected occupants will receive direction from the safety officer, facilities management team, DPSS, or Environmental Health & Safety/HazMat, based on the information contained in the safety document binder of the pertinent lab.
    4. Report any injuries. Call 911 if appropriate; otherwise employees report via, and if non-emergency medical attention is needed for employees:  Injuries from non-employees should be reported here:
  • Medical Health Emergency

    If it is not life-threatening medical situation but medical attention is necessary:

    • Employees are to complete an Illness/Injury Report Form with their supervisor ( and, if it's a work-related injury, go to UM Occupational Health Clinic located on the 3rd floor of the Med Inn Building. The College van, if available, may be used.  (See the College front desk about the van.)  After the crisis is over, check with CoP Human Resources or Student Services regarding incident report requirements.
    • If non-employees, including students who are not employed by the university, are injured on university property, they are to complete an Injury Report for Non-employees:  If medical attention is needed, they should seek health care however they normally would.
  • Mental Health Emergency

    Mental Health Services/Emergencies Assistance

    If you believe someone is an immediate threat or danger to themselves, to you, or to others, call the Dept. of Public Safety & Security (911 or 734-763-1131).  If you believe someone may need assistance because of a mental health emergency, you may call:

  • Power Outage

    Activation / Notification

    1. At the University level, Plant Operations constantly monitors the use of electrical power and is immediately alerted to power outages. If there is a significant campus-wide power outage, DPSS will issue a U-M Emergency Alert.
    2. Within individual buildings, the response to a power outage can be initiated by a phone call to facilities management team: 1019 Pharmacy, 734-647-2365; or safety officer 989-412-4726; or DPSS 734-763-1131.
    3. Facilities management team will contact DPSS at 734-763-1131 to inform them of the outage.
    4. The COP crisis communication plan will govern communications from COP.
    5. If an outage occurs after hours, the U-M Facilities Service Center should be called: 734-647-2059 or DPSS 734-763-1131.
    6. If the U-M Facilities Service Center is called, a description of the problem and work order number should be provided to COP facilities management team by the person who called it in for follow-up purposes.


    1. Remain in place for up to one hour, at which point the affected facilities must be vacated.
    2. Classes that are in session must be discontinued after one hour without power and may be discontinued earlier at the discretion of the faculty member in charge.
    3. Employees will receive direction from their supervisor or COP administration regarding work expectations, temporary work locations, or release from work.
    4. If unsafe conditions develop in any location occupants must vacate the area.
    5. Laboratory workers will implement lab-specific action plans to secure work in progress and protect critical equipment.
  • Weather Emergencies

    Activation / Notification

    1. All alerts to weather emergencies will be issued by the Ann Arbor Siren Warning System ( and/or by DPSS via a U-M Emergency Alert.
    2. Persons with an Ann Arbor address can also enroll in CodeRED via the city government website to receive city-activated emergency notifications on their mobile devices.
    3. The COP crisis communication plan will govern communications from COP.


    1. Immediately shelter-in-place in the closest area within the building that is shielded from external windows and glass surfaces and closes to the structural framework of the building, including basements, inner hallways on any floor, or interior rooms without skylights on any floor. Remain sheltered-in-place until further instructions from facilities management team, safety officer, BIRT, or DPSS via a U-M Emergency Alert. Do not use elevator.
    2. Faculty who are leading a class at the time of an advisory to shelter-in-place will stop teaching and direct their students to the closest shelter location.
    3. Laboratory workers will first implement lab-specific action plans to secure work in progress before evacuating if personal safety is not jeopardized.
    4. No person shall prevent another person (including students) from vacating the premises if they so choose.
    5. Report any injuries. Call 911 if appropriate; otherwise employees report via, and if non-emergency medical attention is needed for employees:  Injuries from non-employees should be reported here:
    6.  More information related to severe weather is on DPSS' website: