May 8, 2019
Members of the U-M PULSE Clinic
Members of the U-M Post Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Longitudinal Survivor Experience [PULSE] Clinic: from right to left, Antoinette Coe, College of Pharmacy, Deena Costa, School of Nursing, Jakob McSparron, Medical School, Rima Mohammad, College of Pharmacy, Jack Iwashyna and Hallie Prescott, Medical School, and Mari Pitcher, School of Social Work.

The College of Pharmacy's faculty were well represented in the recent round U-M Interprofessional Exchange (IP-X) research stimulus grants. Overall, five projects were chosen to receive funding for 2019, stimulating innovation in interprofessional education and multidisciplinary approaches to health care.  

The IP-X research stimulus is a unique funding program created by the Health Sciences Council (HSC) at the University of Michigan, which supports ideas with transformative potential for improved interprofessional care, outcomes, education, and services. For 2019, the program is undergoing its second round of funding.

The HSC, which is composed of deans of U-M health science schools, and the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education (IPE) are pleased to announce the IP-X projects they have chosen to fund for 2019. The Mcubed platform was utilized for this round of IP-X funding, and the five teams of grantees were chosen to continue U-M’s momentum for creating innovation in scholarship in the interprofessional care and education arena.

“The HSC members embrace Mcubed’s dedication to rich idea development among interdisciplinary investigators,” said Lynn Videka, dean of the School of Social Work and current HSC chair.

2019 IP-X Grantees:

The $60,000 IP-X grant focuses on the effectiveness and efficiency of interprofessional health care on diseases, populations, costs, and/or current practices; it is funded by the HSC: 

Post Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Longitudinal Survivor Experience [PULSE] Clinic: Evaluation of an Interprofessional Approach to Providing Care to Intensive Care Unit Survivors and Caregivers
Team Members: Rima Mohammad, College of Pharmacy, Deena Costa, School of Nursing; Jakob McSparron, Jack Iwashyna and Hallie Prescott, Medical School; Mari Pitcher, School of Social Work; Antoinette Coe and Amy Thompson, College of Pharmacy.

Four $15,000 IP-X grants focus on the impact of interprofessional education on student knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviors; they are funded by the Center for IPE:

Effects of Community-Engaged Education on Interprofessional and Cross Cultural Attitudes Among Health Professions Students from the United States and Uganda
Team Members: Brent Williams, Medical School; Megan Eagle and Leslie Nestro, School of Nursing; Mary Ruffolo and Katie Lopez, School of Social Work.

Improving Safety through Team Training on Effective Leadership and Followership within the Interprofessional Team
Team Members: Dana Tschannen, School of Nursing; Paul Walker, College of Pharmacy; Erin Khang and Dan Fischer, School of Social Work.

Inclusivity and Diversity Principles in Healthcare – Disability and Health
Team Members: Steven Erickson, College of Pharmacy, Laura Smith, Flint Physical Therapy; Nancy Vandewiele and Susanne Terry, Occupational Therapy; Michael McKee and Susan Ernst, Medical School; Alex Gossage, Ann Arbor Center for Independent Living; Michelle Meade, Physical Medicine Rehab; Elizabeth Kuzma, School of Nursing; Dominica Sweier, School of Dentistry; Patricia Anderson, Librarian – Taubman Health Sciences Library; Chris Chapman, HITS Education and Training; TBD, School Public Health; TBD, School of Social Work.

Advancing IPE Efforts Using Data Visualization
Team Members: Gundy Sweet, College of Pharmacy; Melissa Gross, School of Kinesiology; Dan Fischer, School of Social Work.

Read the original release on the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education's website.