Amy Thompson

Clinical Pharmacy

Amy Thompson

Clinical Professor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Director of Community Health and Engagement, and Director of Ambulatory Clinical Pharmacy Practices, Pharmacy Innovations and Partnerships, Michigan Medicine

College of Pharmacy
428 Church St
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065

2060 Pharm

Role Overview and Bio

Amy Thompson is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy and Director of Community Engagement at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. Dr. Thompson received her Doctor of Pharmacy from the Medical University of South Carolina, where she also completed her PGY-1 Pharmacy Practice and PGY-2 Family Medicine Residencies. Dr. Thompson came to the University of Michigan in 2016 as Director, Ambulatory Clinical Pharmacy Practices for Pharmacy Innovations and Partnerships within the University of Michigan Medical Group. Dr. Thompson is a Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Specialist and currently practices in the Taubman General Medicine clinic where she provides chronic disease state management.

Dr. Thompson precepts pharmacy students, PGY-1 and PGY-2 residents in her clinical and administrative experiences. Her primary areas of research interests include assessing the effectiveness of clinical services, innovative student experiences in the ambulatory setting, quality improvement initiatives, and transitions of care.


  • 2018 Interprofessional Leadership Fellow, Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education