Antoinette Coe

Clinical Pharmacy

Antoinette Coe, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy

College of Pharmacy
428 Church St
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065

1020 Pharm

Role Overview and Bio

Antoinette (Toni) B. Coe, PharmD, PhD, FAPhA is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and affiliate faculty with the Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s. She received her PharmD from Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Pharmacy in 2009. In 2010, she completed a PGY-1 Community-Based Pharmacy Practice Residency with VCU School of Pharmacy/Martin’s Pharmacy. She then received her PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences from VCU in 2015. She completed post-doctoral training as a 2016-2018 Clinician Scholar in the University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation (IHPI) Clinician Scholars program.

Dr. Coe is a pharmacist-health services researcher devoted to improving transitions of care and ensuring safe and effective medication use in older adults, particularly those with dementia and cognitive impairment. Her research program is focused on how healthcare delivery and health policy impact medication use and outcomes among older adults. Her work focuses on understanding the uptake and effectiveness of Medicare Part D Medication Therapy Management, examining how pharmacist-provided medication reviews and medication management mitigate inappropriate medication use and adverse events among older adults, and identifying community-based strategies and interprofessional models of care to prevent medication-related problems during care transitions. She has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) National Institute on Aging (NIA), the University of Michigan NIH NIA-funded Center to Accelerate Population Research in Alzheimer’s, the Michigan Region VII Area Agency on Aging, the Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research, the American Pharmacists Association, and the American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education.

Older adults are missing out on a crucial medication review service

Clashing medications can put older adults at risk, but many haven’t had a pharmacist check for safety concerns

Dropping the ball: Post ICU, many patients not getting the correct meds


  • NIH NIA K08 Award

  • NIH NIA LRP Award

  • MICHR KL2 Award

  • Editorial Board:

  • Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

  • Journal of the American Pharmacists Association

  • Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

  • IHPI Emerging Scholar

  • Fellow, American Pharmacists Association – Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science

Research Interests

  • Strategies to improve transitions of care and medication use in older adults with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias

  • Implementation and dissemination of pharmacist-provided comprehensive medication reviews to ensure safe and effective medication use in older adults

  • Impact of pharmacists’ care on health outcomes in innovative, interprofessional patient care models

  • Strategies and policies which address health disparities to improve health and medication-related outcomes in older adults


  • 2024 American Pharmacists Association Academy of Pharmaceutical Research and Science Fellow, American Pharmacists Association

  • 2024 IHPI Emerging Scholar, Exchange Program with the University of Pennsylvania Leonard Davis Institute for Health Economics, Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation

  • 2024 Top 10% published papers downloaded (2 articles), Journal of the American Geriatrics Society

  • 2023 Top Reviewer, Research in Social and Administrative Pharmacy

  • 2023 UMatter Award, University of Michigan

Selected Publications

Coe AB, Rowell BE, Whittaker PA, Ross AT, Nguyen KTL, Bergman N, Farris KB. Impact of an Area Agency on Aging pharmacist-led community care transition initiative. J Am Pharm Assoc. 2023;63(4):1230-1236.

Coe AB, Farris KB, Solway E, Singer DC, Kirch M, Kullgren JT, Malani PN, Bynum JPW. Predictors of receipt of comprehensive medication reviews in older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2023;78(3):463-469.

Coe AB, Montoya A, Chang C, Park PS, Bynum JPW, Shireman TI, Zhang T, McCreedy EM, Gerlach LB. Behavioral symptoms, depression, and medication use in Michigan nursing home residents with dementia during COVID-19. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2023;71(2):414-422.

Coe AB, Zhang T, Zullo AR, Gerlach LB, Thomas KS, Daiello LA, Varma H, Lo D, Joshi R, Shireman TI, Bynum JPW. Psychotropic medication prescribing in assisted living and nursing home residents with dementia after the National Partnership. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2022;70(12):3513-3525.

Coe AB, Adeoye-Olatunde OA, Pestka DL, Synder ME, Zillich AJ, Farris KB, Farley JF. Patterns and predictors of older adult Medicare Part D beneficiaries’ receipt of medication therapy management. Res Soc Adm Pharm. 2020;16(9):1208-1214.

Coe AB, Bynum JPW, Farris KB. Comprehensive medication review: New poll indicates interest but low receipt among older adults. JAMA Health Forum. 2020;1(10):e201243.

Coe AB, Choe HM, Diez HL, Rockey N, Ashjian EJ, Dorsch MP, Kim HM, Farris KB. Pharmacists providing care in statewide physician organizations: Findings from the Michigan Pharmacists Transforming Care and Quality (MPTCQ) Collaborative. J Manag Care Spec Pharm. 2020;26(12):1558-1566.

Coe AB, Vincent BM, Iwashyna TJ. Statin discontinuation and new antipsychotic use after an acute hospital stay vary by hospital. PLoS ONE. 2020;15(5):e0232702.