Strategy 562

New business models built around operational efficiency offer tremendous potential to improve people's health worldwide. This course will examine how innovations in business models, operations, financing and supply chains are allowing far more people to access better quality healthcare. The course draws extensively on real-world case studies and latest research in this field. Class sessions will feature thought leaders from the field of global health delivery and involve lively debates on important topics.

Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science 832

The goal of this course is to learn medication data abstraction, effective communication of analytics insights, and the design and evaluation of informatics technology.

Health Management and Policy 626

This course is writing intensive and will critically examine aspects of health and policy reform from state and federal perspective. Taught primarily from a US perspective, topics with an international lens will be covered to explore domestic policy and international implications of policies and structures.

Pharmaceutical Sciences 407

This elective course introduces the principles of modern qualitative and quantitative physical, chemical, and biosensors and analytical techniques that are utilized frequently in the pharmacy and medicine.

Nursing 521

This course will explore the issues that directly or indirectly affect health in low and middle resource countries from an interdisciplinary approach. We will focus on global and public health concepts and on health promotion and risk reduction in countries to which students plan to travel for field work, or from which they have returned. We will consider how history, culture, politics and social institutions influence health and health systems. Lecture this year focuses primarily on Latin America and the Caribbean and Southeast Asia.

Health Management and Policy 634

Provide students with a deeper understanding of these key industries that play an outsize role within the healthcare systems of the US and several other countries, particularly the European markets, and the intersection of these industries and decision makers (eg, payers, HTA bodies).

Sociology 475

This course examines the influence of social and cultural factors on health, illness, and medical care.

Epidemiology 591

Why are some groups healthier than others, and how do these differences emerge and persist over the life course? How do social policies (e.g., housing, transportation, employment) relate to health and health inequalities? Why are there health disparities even in countries that have free universal health care?

Pharmaceutical Sciences 706

In 2016 the top selling drugs are monoclonal antibodies, and half of the new drugs approved are biopharmaceuticals and numerous biosimilars are being developed.  This class is about how biologic drugs are discovered, manufactured, formulated, analyzed, developed and regulated - now essential information for scientists seeking careers in the pharmaceutical industry. 

Health Management and Policy 685

Policy requires politics:  behind every positive or negative decision governments make, there are elected politicians, politically skilled officials, journalists, and other stakeholders.  Understanding the world of politics is crucial to influencing and implementing policies for public health.  Indeed, it is impossible to understand public health policy outside of its political context.  This class presents the basic institutions and politics of contemporary public health policymaking through studies of institutions and contemporary policy debates.  Through analysis of case studies includin
