Health Behavior Health Education 613

Reducing racial/ethnic health disparities is core to the mission of public health. This course provides an in-depth examination of racial/ethnic disparities specific to healthcare and healthcare delivery in the United States.

Health Behavior Health Equity 615

This course will provide students with the background, knowledge, and experience needed to create different types of sexual health promotion interventions for diverse populations in multiple setting. Students will explore socio-ecological factors that influence the sexual health of diverse populations, and learn how to develop/implement theory-based and culturally-appropriate interventions.

Formerly HBEHED 615

Epidemiology 605

Introduction to diseases and transmission characteristics, and the descriptive epidemiology of infectious agents. This course will help students to understand the theoretical basis of pathogen transmission and what factors determine patterns of disease occurrence. Students will learn how to apply this understanding to disease prevention and control.

Social Work 727

Families represent the primary setting within which individuals acquire information concerning health, learn specific health-related behaviors, and function as caregivers to others. Because the family and the health and well-being of its constituent members are interconnected in fundamental ways, it is critical that we develop an understanding of this primary institution, the factors that impact on its form and functioning, and their relation to health and health-related concerns.

Health Management and Policy 602

Analysis of current organizational arrangements and patterns for provision and financing of medical care services in United States.  Topics include need, access and use of services; issues related to health professionals and health facilities; health care costs; quality assessment and assurance and managed care and health care financing.

Health Management and Policy 619

This course analyzes the US policy process in relation to US healthcare and public health systems.  We explore how conditions within society are framed as problems, how problems are placed on political agendas, how problems get matched with potential solutions, and pay attention to the challenges of implementation and evaluation.

Health Behavior Health Education 669

Advances in genetics research are rapidly presenting both great opportunities and complex challenges for public health.  In order for the potential benefits of genetic research to be realized (and unintended harms minimized), numerous health behavior and health education (HBEHED) issues will need to be addressed.  This course will employ a blend of lectures and group discussions to consider such issues, including the following:  genetics and risk communication; ethical issues in HBEHED genetics research; the psychological and behavioral impact of genetic testing; public and professional kno

Health Behavior Health Education 629

This course will examine families as a primary context for understanding health and health related behaviors.

Epidemiology 626

This course deals with selected applications of epidemiologic methods and findings to public-health and clinical practice. Class topics include utilization and quality of medical care, health needs assessment, health impact estimation, evaluation and economic analysis of interventions, systematic reviews and meta analysis, risk assessment and health policy. The major objective is to provide a framework for integrating causal inference and decision making, thereby bridging the gap between science and practice.

Social Work 560

This course is a generalist social work foundation offering in the Macro Practice Concentrations (Community Organization, Management, and Policy/Evaluation).  It covers basic content in these areas of social work method and prepares students to take the more advanced courses in their concentration.  It is partly survey in nature, touching on a range of methodologies and emphases, and providing an appreciation of the historical and contemporary importance of these methods in social work.  In addition, it deals with the process of professionalization and introduces students to a range of prac
