Health Management and Policy 668

Introduction to concepts and practices of health informatics. Topics include: a) major applications and commercial vendors; b) decision support methods and technologies; c) analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation of healthcare information systems; and d) new opportunities and emerging trends.

Cross-listed with SI 542, BIOINF 668, LHS 668 

Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science 832

The goal of this course is to learn medication data abstraction, effective communication of analytics insights, and the design and evaluation of informatics technology.

Health Behavior Health Education 617

In this course, we discuss globalization and health, major actors/organizations in global health, global health inequities, and "hot topics" in global health. This course is designed to help students critically think about how to apply key concepts and skills in health behavior and health education to understanding global health issues.

Business Administration 612

The condition of the world's poor is the subject of growing attention. Global poverty is increasingly seen as an unacceptable outcome of the current economic system, and there is interest in exploring new market-based approaches to poverty alleviation. The emerging base of the pyramid (BoP) perspective aligns business-oriented incentives for growth, innovation, and profits with the development community's efforts to create a more inclusive capitalism.

Health Management and Policy 634

Provide students with a deeper understanding of these key industries that play an outsize role within the healthcare systems of the US and several other countries, particularly the European markets, and the intersection of these industries and decision makers (eg, payers, HTA bodies).

Epidemiology 674

This course will introduce the R statistical programming language for epidemiologic data analysis.  This course will focus on core basics of organizing, managing, and manipulating data; basic graphic in R; and descriptive methods and regression models widely used in epidemiology.

Health Management and Policy 602

Analysis of current organizational arrangements and patterns for provision and financing of medical care services in United States.  Topics include need, access and use of services; issues related to health professionals and health facilities; health care costs; quality assessment and assurance and managed care and health care financing.

Health Management and Policy 685

Policy requires politics:  behind every positive or negative decision governments make, there are elected politicians, politically skilled officials, journalists, and other stakeholders.  Understanding the world of politics is crucial to influencing and implementing policies for public health.  Indeed, it is impossible to understand public health policy outside of its political context.  This class presents the basic institutions and politics of contemporary public health policymaking through studies of institutions and contemporary policy debates.  Through analysis of case studies includin

Biostatistics 607

This modular course focuses on basic programming skills for Python, R, and C++. It will cover key features of each including conditional statements, loops, data structures, basic data processing and analysis, basic data visualization, and object-orientation programming. 

Health Management and Policy 669

This course covers relational database theory and database-web systems with applications to health care.  The students are expected to develop a working knowledge of design, implementation, administration and maintenance of small to medium relational database systems.  The students will also be exposed to current technology for deployment, use and administration of relational databases through the Internet.
