September 19, 2014
Lauren Brown, PharmD’15, visiting Beijing as part of her Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) rotations.

The College’s first two PharmD students, Lauren Brown, PharmD’15, and Xinwei Chen, PharmD’15, are visiting Beijing as part of their Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (APPE) rotations.

“This year we are sending P4 students to Beijing, Puerto Rico and England.  We currently support P1 and P2 students to go to Kenya as part of a MICHR summer program.  We have a wide variety of official College international options for PharmD students, as well as the wealth of global activities that the greater University of Michigan offers. We recently formed Student Committee for International Opportunities (SCIO) which helps the College host international visitors.  Students interested in learning about global health issues can find a wealth of opportunities at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy,” adds Associate Dean Bruce Mueller.

Both APPE rotations are five weeks long.

“The rotation has been really interesting so far! Nancy and I have been helping to dispense the Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) preparations to patients at the outpatient TCM pharmacy. To do this, we weigh out each medication/herbal product with a scale and divide it into a 7 day supply. Each day's supply of a variety of different medications (herbs, dried insects, plants, bark, etc.) is packaged separately in a bag and given to the patient. The patient then boils the preparation in water and drinks the water (usually twice a day).” states Brown.

The College recently welcomed representatives from both Beijing Third Hospital and Peking College of Pharmacy.

Read the stories:
College Welcomes Clinical Pharmacists from Beijing University Hospitals
College Hosts Peking Delegation