Pharmacy 677

This course provides disease-oriented, pharmacy-oriented insight into the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and rational drug treatment of diseases primarily encountered in the pediatric age group. Emphasis is on the pharmacist’s role in selecting drug products, individualizing dosages, and monitoring patients.

Note: This was formerly a 2-credit course, Pharmacy 747

Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science 832

The goal of this course is to learn medication data abstraction, effective communication of analytics insights, and the design and evaluation of informatics technology.

Social Work 618

Substance abuse represents a major public health concern facing America’s youth. Although all adolescents are directly or indirectly impacted by substance abuse, racial and ethnic minority youth are disproportionately impacted. Social workers play a key role in health promotion and disease prevention, including prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation of substance abuse among racial and ethnic minority adolescents in urban settings.

Pharmacy 757

Study the physiological, social, psychological, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes that make medication dosing and monitoring different in geriatric patients.  Heavy clinical tilt makes great preparation for Internal Medicine and Ambulatory Care Rotations.  Will also study the issues surrounding death and dying, Hospice versus Palliative Care, and caregiving.

Social Work 634

This course will examine the strengths and limitations of the U.S. health care system, including health indicators and the state of health care delivery in the United States, with selective international comparisons. The role of the public and private sectors in health care and health policy will be presented, with special attention to the financing of health care and the role of the government in health care. The course will focus on the organization of services (i.e., public health, prevention/ promotion services, primary care, acute care, chronic care, and long-term care).

MedAdmin 7300

This course examines the history of race and racism in medicine and healthcare in the United States and is divided into five generally chronological modules: (1) Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality; (2) Racial Ideologies and the Construction of Race, (3) Racialized Slavery and the Paternalism of Care; (4) Race-based Medical Care and Civil Rights in the 20th Century; and, (5) Health Justice in the 21st Century. Each module will approach the history of race and racism in medicine across time to understand 1) how race and racism were foundational to the development of medicineand its va

Pharmacy 767

This course provides a basic overview of key concepts in critical care. Course content includes the principles of hemodynamic monitoring and the pathophysiology and management of selected diseases affecting major organ systems and requiring intensive care therapy.

Pharmacy 517

Students will gain understanding of the comprehensive management of a person with a disability in a health care or public health setting. This will include learning to effectively communicate and partner with people with disabilities. This course will address disability civil rights; provide a basic understanding of a variety of disability conditions; and provide options/resources available to assist the healthcare provider in providing care to people with disabilities. 

Social Work 727

Families represent the primary setting within which individuals acquire information concerning health, learn specific health-related behaviors, and function as caregivers to others. Because the family and the health and well-being of its constituent members are interconnected in fundamental ways, it is critical that we develop an understanding of this primary institution, the factors that impact on its form and functioning, and their relation to health and health-related concerns.

Epidemiology 816

Tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Social and operational factors, the growing AIDS epidemic, and increasing drug resistance have dramatically compounded the tuberculosis crisis. This course will review the history, epidemiology, biology, pathogenesis, and clinical management of tuberculosis. It will examine the current issues related to tuberculosis and discuss the complex mechanisms that contribute to the almost unparalleled impact of tuberculosis on global health in the past and present time, including the impact of the emergence of AIDS epidemics.
