Health Management and Policy 626

This course is writing intensive and will critically examine aspects of health and policy reform from state and federal perspective. Taught primarily from a US perspective, topics with an international lens will be covered to explore domestic policy and international implications of policies and structures.

Pharmacy 607

Students will develop and improve their understanding of the role of pharmacists in veterinary medicine including opportunities for specialization. Veterinary therapeutics will be reviewed including cardiology, anesthesia, critical care, oncology, antimicrobials, parasitology-zoonosis, food animal medicine, and early drug (pre‐clinical) development. Veterinary laws and regulations including compounding will be discussed. 

Pharmacy 617

This half- term course will provide students with the opportunity to further develop their leadership skills and learn how to lead change within the pharmacy profession post-graduation. 

Entrepreneurship 550

***Note: Previously offered as an approved topic under ENTR 599

Learn the Emotional Intelligence framework to better understand and manage yourself and others, and build strong relationships and lead teams. Develop your own Personal Leadership Plan to help you "level up" as a graduate professional.

Medicinal Chemistry 617

A survey of the past, present and future of pharmacy in the context of drug discovery, including such topics as the history of pharmacy, pharmaceutical biotechnology and personalized medicine.  The course examines the current state of global healthcare and its impact on drug discovery and the future of pharmacy.

Pharmacy 727

This course explores a variety of topics, including unique opportunities for pharmacists in industry, government, professional writing; the pros and cons of post-graduate training (fellowships, residencies, Ph.D., etc.); how to get the “perfect job”; job interview techniques; pros and cons of board certification; how to become professionally active; and balancing both professional and personal demands.   

Entrepreneurship 599

***Note: ENTR 599 is a special topics course and the topics may change across terms. The special topic of "DEI in entrepreneurship" has been approved by the Curriculum and Assessment Committee for professional elective credit. Students wishing to take this course where the topic is different must submit a request to the Curriculum and Assessment Committee for review and approval. 

Course overview for DEI in Entrepreneurship:

Health Management and Policy 619

This course analyzes the US policy process in relation to US healthcare and public health systems.  We explore how conditions within society are framed as problems, how problems are placed on political agendas, how problems get matched with potential solutions, and pay attention to the challenges of implementation and evaluation.

Health Management and Policy 634

Provide students with a deeper understanding of these key industries that play an outsize role within the healthcare systems of the US and several other countries, particularly the European markets, and the intersection of these industries and decision makers (eg, payers, HTA bodies).

Pharmacy 627

This course will provide an overview of managed care pharmacy and delve into the various roles and responsibilities that pharmacists can have within a managed care setting.  Experts within the specialties of this field will educate students on what their specialty entails and students will help supplement this session with a student-led topic discussion.  Students will also be required to complete a monograph for an assigned drug similar to the process used for a Pharmacy & Therapeutics (P&T) Committee meeting. 
