February 14, 2025 - 3:00pm to 5:00pm
911 N. University Ave
Ann Arbor, MI 48109
United States Get Directions


2:30pm – 3:00pm             Poster Set-up for all
3:00pm – 4:00pm             Poster Session A
4:00pm – 5:00pm             Poster Session B



  • Q1. What is the purpose of the Research Forum?

    The U-M COP values research very highly and every student and faculty member actively participates in research endeavors. We want to recognize these activities in a public manner so we can share our research with the greater community.

  • Q2. What are some general details about the Research Forum?

    U-M COP Research Forum will be held on Friday, February 14, 2025 in the Michigan League Ballroom:

    Poster Presentations

    Required participants: Faculty, PharmD students, BSPS students presenting honor thesis (Q7 provides role details)

    Optional participants:  All others are welcome to present their research, participate on a poster review team, and visit the poster presentations. (Q7 provides role details)

    2:30pm – 3:00pm             Poster Set-up for all
    3:00pm – 4:00pm             Poster Session A
    4:00pm – 5:00pm             Poster Session B

    • College of Pharmacy courses within the BSPS and PharmD program will NOT be cancelled on Friday, but many students have open afternoons and are available to participate in the poster presentations from the 3:00pm-5:00pm. Consult Q7 from the questions below to see your roles for the Research Forum.
    • Poster presenters are advised to arrive not less than 15 minutes early to set up their posters.
    • The Review Teams for the two poster sessions will be made up of faculty, P1-P3 PharmD students, and other volunteers. Review team assignments will be released as we get closer the event and will include instructions on where to meet along with the evaluation rubric.
  • Q3. Is attendance required?

    Yes, attendance is required for PharmD students, BSPS Honors students and Faculty at the U-M COP.  While not required for all BSPS students, we strongly encourage participation as an important community member.

    If there is an extenuating circumstance that will prevent you from attending, then please use the following contacts based on what best applies to you:

  • Q4. I am a P4 student but I'm on rotation out of state during the Research Forum. Do I still have to come?

    Yes, you are required to attend the event regardless of whether your rotation is out-of-area. This event has been timed to match up with the end of rotation block 7, and your preceptors have been notified that your attendance is required on this date. Thus, travel arrangements must be made to ensure that you will be back in time to present your poster on February 14.

  • Q5. Who else will be invited to the Research Forum?
    • Prospective pharmacy students
    • Pharmacy residents
    • Other campus investigators
    • Alumni and VIPs
  • Q6. What is the dress code for faculty, staff, & students?
    • Professional dress is required at this event for everyone!
    • Males: dress pants, a long-sleeved button-up shirt, tie, and suit jacket.
    • Females: dress pants or a knee-length skirt, a dress blouse, and a blazer or sweater.
  • Q7. What are my responsibilities at the Research Forum?


    • Research and Tenure Track Faculty – Participate in the program from 3:00pm-5:00pm. Lead a poster review team (availability survey will be sent via email).
    • Clinical Faculty – Participate in the program from 3:00pm-5:00pm you are off service or not in clinic.  Lead a poster review team (availability survey will be sent via email).

    P4 PharmD Students:

    • Present your research during your assigned poster presentation time between 3:00pm-5:00pm.  Poster assignments will be released as we get closer to the event.  Register your poster HERE.
    • Visit other posters during the other 60 minutes.

    P3, P2, and P1 PharmD Students:

    • Serve as a poster reviewer during one of the poster sessions. Poster Review Team assignments will be released as we get closer to the event.
    • Visit other posters during the opposite 60 minutes.
    • Complete assignment for Lifelong Learning course.

    BSPS Students:

    • BSPS Honors Program Students:
      • Present your poster during your assigned session time between 3:00pm-5:00pm.  Assignments will be released as we get closer to the event. Register your poster [link to be added in Dec 2024].
      • Visit other posters during the opposite session.
    • All BSPS Students:
      • Anyone wishing to present their research during one of the sessions between 3:00pm-5:00pm, should register your poster [link to be added in Dec 2024].
      • Volunteer to serve on a poster review team between 3:00pm-5:00pm (sign-up survey will be sent via email). 
      • Visit poster presentations.
  • Q8. What is the process for the Poster Review Team and Presenter during the Poster Presentations?
    • Faculty and student reviewers will be grouped and assigned to presentations in advance of the event date, and notified by e-mails of their assignments.
    • Review Teams will meet at their assigned time to receive their poster review rubrics and then as a team will begin the review of the assigned posters.
    • Poster presenters should have a ~10 minute presentation prepared for review teams, and also allow for a 5 minute session of Q&A and general feedback at the conclusion of their presentation.
    • Rubrics for poster presentations and advanced preparation can be accessed HERE.
    • The feedback that presenters receive during this session is used to gain experience in presenting research – the score received will not factor into any grading in any course.
  • Q9. What size poster should I make?
  • Q10. I have already presented my poster at a professional meeting. Do I need to make a new one?

    No. Please present the same poster at Research Forum that you presented at a previous professional meeting. We want to use our resources as wisely as possible.

  • Q11. Where can I get a poster made?
    • Posters can be printed at many places on campus:  Angell Hall Computing Site ("Fishbowl"), GroundWorks Computer Lab in the Duderstadt Building, or "Poster Follow Me” from a Sites Windows Computer: https://its.umich.edu/computing/computers-software/campus-computing-sites/printing/poster-printing (see the bottom of the page for instructions on how to use a shortcode for posters). 
    • Talk to your research mentor for details on how to make an effective poster. If you are a PhD student, contact your research mentor on how to proceed with getting your poster printed. Contact Dean Farris ([email protected]) if any issues arise.
    • Funds for making your poster are available through your research mentor.
  • Q12. How will I know where to hang my poster at the Research Forum?

    Everyone with a research poster must register before the meeting so that we can ensure we have enough places set up for you. You will be assigned a poster location and time to present, which will be provided to you in advance of the event.  There will also be staff available to support you in locating your poster the day of the event.

  • Q13. How will the posters be hung?

    Push pins will be provided at the Research Forum.

  • Q14. I conducted my research with another student. Do we each need to contribute a poster for the Research Forum?

    No - it is perfectly acceptable to have more than one investigator on a poster.  Each student will present separately to the Poster Review Team.

  • Q15. Do I have to stand by my poster the whole time?
    • The purpose of the UM COP Research Forum is to learn about research being conducted by the COP. We want you to see other researcher being conducted, but attendees also want to learn about your research!
    • To accommodate both goals, you will be assigned to a 60-minute block of time to stand by your poster. Odd-numbered posters will present during the first session and even-numbered posters in the second session. We will schedule the poster review team to visit you during your assigned time period. You should check out other posters during the opposite session.
  • Q16. Event Location, Transportation, and Parking?

    LOCATION: The event will be held in Ballroom at the Michigan League.

    TRANSPORTATION: There will be no transportation provided this year.  Please plan accordingly to walk or park close to the Michigan League.

    PARKING: Blue Parking is available at both the Fletcher and Thayer Parking Structures. 

  • Q17. Can I invite family and friends to this year's Research Forum?

    No. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate family and friends during this year’s event due to the continued issues with the COVID-19 pandemic.