Technology and Operations 411

Spreadsheets are among the most widely used decision support tools in business today, and have advanced to the point of providing powerful, general-purpose functionally.  The first half of the course introduces decision support modeling using spreadsheets, including:  what-if analysis; financial, statistical, and time/date functions; graphical presentation of data; organizing and extracting information from spreadsheet databases; and cross-tabulation of data.  The second half of the course includes importing information into spreadsheets from external sources; goal seeking; one and two way

Entrepreneurship 599

***Note: ENTR 599 is a special topics course and the topics may change across terms. The special topic of "DEI in entrepreneurship" has been approved by the Curriculum and Assessment Committee for professional elective credit. Students wishing to take this course where the topic is different must submit a request to the Curriculum and Assessment Committee for review and approval. 

Course overview for DEI in Entrepreneurship:

Health Management and Policy 661

This course prepares students to take on management challenges faced in health informatics leadership roles within a variety of organizational settings.

Clinical Pharmacy and Translational Science 832

The goal of this course is to learn medication data abstraction, effective communication of analytics insights, and the design and evaluation of informatics technology.

Health Behavior Health Equity 654

Consumer health informatics (CHI) gives health care consumers information and tools to facilitate their engagement.  Students will become familiar with, and evaluate, a range of CHI applications.  They will also assess the needs and technological practices of potential users, generate theory-informed design and implementation strategies, and select appropriate evaluation approaches.

Formerly HBEHED 654

Cross-listed with SI 554. 

School of Information 554

Consumer health informatics (CHI) gives health care consumers information and tools to facilitate their engagement.  Students will become familiar with, and evaluate, a range of CHI applications.  They will also assess the needs and technological practices of potential users, generate theory-informed design and implementation strategies, and select appropriate evaluation approaches.

Cross listed with HBHE 654. 

Health Management and Policy 611

This course explores the foundations of population health informatics, including information architecture; data standards and confidentiality as they pertain to population health management. This course examines key concepts related to registries, electronic health records, epidemiological databases, biosurveillance, health promotion, and quality reporting in population health management.

Biostatistics 607

This modular course focuses on basic programming skills for Python, R, and C++. It will cover key features of each including conditional statements, loops, data structures, basic data processing and analysis, basic data visualization, and object-orientation programming. 

Health Management and Policy 668

Introduction to concepts and practices of health informatics. Topics include: a) major applications and commercial vendors; b) decision support methods and technologies; c) analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation of healthcare information systems; and d) new opportunities and emerging trends.

Cross-listed with SI 542, BIOINF 668, LHS 668 

School of Information 624

Step into the role of a data consultant and use data to facilitate change in healthcare research, quality improvement and patient outcomes, and population health. Data consultants act as the bridge between the leadership and project stakeholders, and the data analysts to help in translating the data into actionable results. Their expertise lies in effective communication, scoping of projects, and needs assessment. They examine data, processes and technologies to evaluate current state and critical problems.
