Pharmacy 517

Students will gain understanding of the comprehensive management of a person with a disability in a health care or public health setting. This will include learning to effectively communicate and partner with people with disabilities. This course will address disability civil rights; provide a basic understanding of a variety of disability conditions; and provide options/resources available to assist the healthcare provider in providing care to people with disabilities. 

Health Behavior Health Education 679

This course offers an examination of U.S. health inequities from a historical lens and discussion of present-day issues. Through the readings, discussions, and assignments in this class, students will better understand historical policies, events, and movements that have led to health inequities and connect those to contemporary issues in the United States and within the field of public health. The course takes an intersectional perspective to examine health inequities, with a focus on inequities related to race, ethnicity, gender, and class.

Health Behavior Health Education 677

This course draws on the social-ecological model to consider the multi-level health impacts of immigration law enforcement on individuals, families and communities; the similarities between immigration enforcement conducted by ICE and law enforcement conducted by police; and how state violence is shaped by anti-Black, -Latino, and -Arab racism. Empirical data, articles, books, and media will be used to catalyze discussion and analysis of how immigration law enforcement impacts mixed-status communities throughout the U.S.

Health Management and Policy 626

This course is writing intensive and will critically examine aspects of health and policy reform from state and federal perspective. Taught primarily from a US perspective, topics with an international lens will be covered to explore domestic policy and international implications of policies and structures.

Sociology 475

This course examines the influence of social and cultural factors on health, illness, and medical care.

Public Policy 717

How are the inherent and intersecting relations of power including inherent structures of dominance related to the experience of violence, oppression and resistance textured into the context of politics and policy making? This course investigates how multi-faceted historical relationships of traumatic experience including Colonization, Slavery and Apartheid can be related to the ways in which we think about policy.

Business Administration 620

Healthcare delivery in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is influenced by a number of factors such as provider expertise, patient trust, access, financing, medication/treatment availability, policies, and evolving technologies. Some components vary from culture to culture, while others remain constant. Improvements in healthcare delivery in these countries will rely on a good understanding of the various disciplinary approaches to care and how they can vary between cultures.

Social Work 618

Substance abuse represents a major public health concern facing America’s youth. Although all adolescents are directly or indirectly impacted by substance abuse, racial and ethnic minority youth are disproportionately impacted. Social workers play a key role in health promotion and disease prevention, including prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation of substance abuse among racial and ethnic minority adolescents in urban settings.

MedAdmin 7300

This course examines the history of race and racism in medicine and healthcare in the United States and is divided into five generally chronological modules: (1) Critical Race Theory and Intersectionality; (2) Racial Ideologies and the Construction of Race, (3) Racialized Slavery and the Paternalism of Care; (4) Race-based Medical Care and Civil Rights in the 20th Century; and, (5) Health Justice in the 21st Century. Each module will approach the history of race and racism in medicine across time to understand 1) how race and racism were foundational to the development of medicineand its va

Social Work 727

Families represent the primary setting within which individuals acquire information concerning health, learn specific health-related behaviors, and function as caregivers to others. Because the family and the health and well-being of its constituent members are interconnected in fundamental ways, it is critical that we develop an understanding of this primary institution, the factors that impact on its form and functioning, and their relation to health and health-related concerns.
