The Ambulatory Care Enrichment Program (ACE) will prepare pharmacists to deliver high-quality patient care in an outpatient clinical environment. The training consists of 3 days of live virtual training, including 2 half-day mock clinic sessions during which participants will conduct clinic visits with simulated patient instructors. This clinically-oriented training program is intended for pharmacists who are or soon will be practicing clinically in an ambulatory care or community pharmacy setting. This program is led by experienced practitioners with extensive years of practice in a clinical setting.

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Program Details
Topic/Speaker Info
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Program Dates: To be determined in 2025 and 2026

Registration Fee: $2,000 per trainee

Registration & Payment Deadline: 3 weeks prior to session

Training will be conducted virtually using video conferencing and Canvas to deliver program content. Up to 6 practicing pharmacists will be accepted into each program session.

This training will begin with case discussions that emphasize practical application of clinical guidelines to individual patient cases. In the mock clinics, participants will learn how to deliver chronic disease management, comprehensive medication review and transitions of care services. Program faculty will provide feedback based on review of electronic medical record notes and simulated patient instructor assessments. Assessment of clinical decision-making and communication skills (motivational interviewing, patient empowerment, etc.) will be included.

Knowledge of pharmacotherapy of common chronic conditions is required; optional self-study resources will be provided and knowledge will be demonstrated on a required assessment prior to attending the training. Please see the program syllabus for more details.

Course Syllabus
Bo Wen photo

Program Director
Hae Mi Choe, Pharm.D.
Bio Info
Clinical Professor
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Phone: 734-764-4763
Email: [email protected]


Bo Wen photo

Clinical Program Coordinator
Emily Ashjian, Pharm.D.
Bio Info
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Phone: 734-647-2058
Email: [email protected]

Bo Wen photo

Administrative Program Coordinator
Jennifer Bronson
Executive Secretary
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Phone: 734-763-6629
Email: [email protected]

Day 1: Clinical Care Guidelines/Clinical Pearls

Bo Wen photo

Emily Ashjian, Pharm.D.
Bio Info
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Ann Arbor, Michigan


Day 1: Comprehensive Medication Management and Transitions of Care Overview

Bo Wen photo

Kellie Kippes, Pharm.D.
Bio Info
Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Ann Arbor, Michigan


Day 2: Comprehensive Medication Management and Transitions of Care: Simulated Clinic and Case Discussions

Bo Wen photo

Valerie Lindell, Pharm.D., BCACP
Bio Info
Adjunct Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Ann Arbor, Michigan

Day 3: Disease Management: Simulated Clinic and Case Discussions

Bo Wen photo

Trisha Wells, Pharm.D.
Bio Info
Clinical Assistant Professor
University of Michigan College of Pharmacy
Ann Arbor, Michigan



Listing Row

Monday, June 19, 2017
Monday, June 19, 2017