Hae Mi Choe

Clinical Pharmacy

Hae Mi Choe, PharmD

Associate Dean and Clinical Professor, College of Pharmacy, Associate Chief Clinical Officer for Quality and Care Innovations UMMG

Role Overview and Bio

Hae Mi Choe is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and the director of Innovative Ambulatory Pharmacy Practices. She earned her PharmD in 1993 from the University of California, San Francisco, and completed her pharmacy practice residency with Kaiser Permanente in Los Angeles in 1994. She then spent five years overseas, where she developed and implemented anticoagulation and asthma services for the first time at the Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, South Korea. Professor Choe then joined U-M to develop ambulatory clinical services at the East Ann Arbor Health Center. In her leadership role as Director of the Innovative Ambulatory Pharmacy Practices, Professor Choe and colleagues created a group-practice model at 14 of the U-M Hospitals and Health Centers as part of the patient centered medical home. She also developed a new reimbursement process for clinical pharmacy services. She was the first pharmacist endorsed by the Credentialing Committee at the University of Michigan Health System and was granted special privileges in patient care; she has led her entire clinical pharmacist team through the credentialing process.



  • MPA Innovative Pharmacy Practice Award and ASHP Best Practice Award for her and colleagues’ group-practice model in the patient centered medical home, 2011

  • American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy Crystal APPLE Award, 2008

  • U-M College of Pharmacy Teaching Excellence Award, 2006

  • Pharmacy Today One-to-One Counseling Recognition Program, 2005

  • MPA Innovative Pharmacy Practice Award in recognition for her practice in diabetes, 2004

Research Interests

  • Disease management in diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia and its impact on patient outcome

  • Pharmacoeconomic impact of clinical pharmacist interventions

  • Expansion of clinical pharmacist role in ambulatory care clinics


  • 2014 CHRT Policy Fellowship, Center for Healthcare Research & Transformation (CHRT)

  • 2014 Pinnacle Award, APhA

  • 2015 Integrated Pharmacy Models in Primary Care - Best Practice Models, The Advisory Board Company

  • 2016 Innovative Practice Award, Southeastern Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists

  • 2016 MSHP President's Award, Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists

  • 2018 CDC Top Hypertension Program with Pharmacists, CDC

  • 2021 APhA Pinnacle Award, APhA Foundation