Pharmacy 677

This course provides disease-oriented, pharmacy-oriented insight into the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and rational drug treatment of diseases primarily encountered in the pediatric age group. Emphasis is on the pharmacist’s role in selecting drug products, individualizing dosages, and monitoring patients.

Note: This was formerly a 2-credit course, Pharmacy 747

Pharmacy 517

Students will gain understanding of the comprehensive management of a person with a disability in a health care or public health setting. This will include learning to effectively communicate and partner with people with disabilities. This course will address disability civil rights; provide a basic understanding of a variety of disability conditions; and provide options/resources available to assist the healthcare provider in providing care to people with disabilities. 

Social Work 727

Families represent the primary setting within which individuals acquire information concerning health, learn specific health-related behaviors, and function as caregivers to others. Because the family and the health and well-being of its constituent members are interconnected in fundamental ways, it is critical that we develop an understanding of this primary institution, the factors that impact on its form and functioning, and their relation to health and health-related concerns.

Pharmacy 757

Study the physiological, social, psychological, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes that make medication dosing and monitoring different in geriatric patients.  Heavy clinical tilt makes great preparation for Internal Medicine and Ambulatory Care Rotations.  Will also study the issues surrounding death and dying, Hospice versus Palliative Care, and caregiving.

Health Behavior Health Equity 654

Consumer health informatics (CHI) gives health care consumers information and tools to facilitate their engagement.  Students will become familiar with, and evaluate, a range of CHI applications.  They will also assess the needs and technological practices of potential users, generate theory-informed design and implementation strategies, and select appropriate evaluation approaches.

Formerly HBEHED 654

Cross-listed with SI 554. 

Health Behavior Health Education 629

This course will examine families as a primary context for understanding health and health related behaviors.

Epidemiology 816

Tuberculosis remains one of the deadliest diseases in the world. Social and operational factors, the growing AIDS epidemic, and increasing drug resistance have dramatically compounded the tuberculosis crisis. This course will review the history, epidemiology, biology, pathogenesis, and clinical management of tuberculosis. It will examine the current issues related to tuberculosis and discuss the complex mechanisms that contribute to the almost unparalleled impact of tuberculosis on global health in the past and present time, including the impact of the emergence of AIDS epidemics.

School of Information 554

Consumer health informatics (CHI) gives health care consumers information and tools to facilitate their engagement.  Students will become familiar with, and evaluate, a range of CHI applications.  They will also assess the needs and technological practices of potential users, generate theory-informed design and implementation strategies, and select appropriate evaluation approaches.

Cross listed with HBHE 654. 

Entrepreneurship 550

***Note: Previously offered as an approved topic under ENTR 599

Learn the Emotional Intelligence framework to better understand and manage yourself and others, and build strong relationships and lead teams. Develop your own Personal Leadership Plan to help you "level up" as a graduate professional.

Health Management and Policy 668

Introduction to concepts and practices of health informatics. Topics include: a) major applications and commercial vendors; b) decision support methods and technologies; c) analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation of healthcare information systems; and d) new opportunities and emerging trends.

Cross-listed with SI 542, BIOINF 668, LHS 668 
