Business Administration 612

The condition of the world's poor is the subject of growing attention. Global poverty is increasingly seen as an unacceptable outcome of the current economic system, and there is interest in exploring new market-based approaches to poverty alleviation. The emerging base of the pyramid (BoP) perspective aligns business-oriented incentives for growth, innovation, and profits with the development community's efforts to create a more inclusive capitalism.

School of Information 554

Consumer health informatics (CHI) gives health care consumers information and tools to facilitate their engagement.  Students will become familiar with, and evaluate, a range of CHI applications.  They will also assess the needs and technological practices of potential users, generate theory-informed design and implementation strategies, and select appropriate evaluation approaches.

Cross listed with HBHE 654. 

Psychology 336

Basic introduction to the neuropsychopharmacology of drug abuse and addiction.

Entrepreneurship 500

Students will learn a wide range of concepts and skills to successfully navigate innovation-focused careers in small, medium, and large businesses and institutions. Students will study intellectual property, market and industry analysis, product-market fit, equity and stock options, program and project management, and communication, securing investment and government funding and more.

Biomedical Engineering 588

This course is for scientists, engineers, and clinicians to understand and interpret various relevant global and regional quality systems for traditional and cutting edge global health technologies, solutions and their implementation. Speakers from academia, the FDA, and biomedical related industries will be invited to participate in teaching this course.

Cross-listed with Chemical Engineering 588.

Sociology 475

This course examines the influence of social and cultural factors on health, illness, and medical care.

Accounting 471

This course covers both financial and managerial accounting with an emphasis on an external or a user perspective of accounting. The course is designed for students who seek to gain an understanding of how accounting information is used by organizations (businesses and nonprofit organizations) and by investors.

Public Policy 717

How are the inherent and intersecting relations of power including inherent structures of dominance related to the experience of violence, oppression and resistance textured into the context of politics and policy making? This course investigates how multi-faceted historical relationships of traumatic experience including Colonization, Slavery and Apartheid can be related to the ways in which we think about policy.

Marketing 310

Nearly $1 trillion is spent every year on the selling function. Every senior management team must deliver its revenue and profit numbers. As customer loyalties diminish and marketing channels proliferate, sales - once seen as a tactical adjunct to marketing - has increased its role to become the key interaction between company and customer. Today sales professionals must expand their perspective to see their role in an enterprise-wide, cross functional context.

Business Administration 620

Healthcare delivery in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is influenced by a number of factors such as provider expertise, patient trust, access, financing, medication/treatment availability, policies, and evolving technologies. Some components vary from culture to culture, while others remain constant. Improvements in healthcare delivery in these countries will rely on a good understanding of the various disciplinary approaches to care and how they can vary between cultures.
