PharmD Career Support
The College of Pharmacy has provided many tools and resources that can be utilized when seeking job, internship, and post-graduate positions. Career Connections offers examples of interview documents, interview strategies, and job and internship tips in order to ensure that our top-notch students are prepared for the best opportunities. Please see the list below in order to access these tools.
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- Professional Development Events
College of Pharmacy student organizations and Career Connections host many professional development events throughout the year. Please see the Exam and Events Calendar for a list of programs. Rackham Graduate School provides professional development events for all professional and graduate students. Please see Rackham's Calendar of Events for a complete list of opportunities.
Additionally, Career Connections offers a Career Gateway event for all of our PharmD students. Career Gateway gives our students a chance to interview for job and internship positions, learn about different careers in pharmacy, and network with professionals in the field. If you would like to learn more about our event, please click here for additional information.
- CVs & Cover Letters
Career Connections has compiled example CVs and cover letters that are catered to the pharmacy profession. If you are a current student, you may view the examples by clicking here.
- Job, Residency, and Fellowship Search Strategies
Now that you have fine-tuned your CV and cover lettter, it is time to start applying to positions. Career Connections has complied a list of databases that you can utilize when searching for positions. Additionally, Career Connections posts many job and internship opportunities throughout the year. To access these resources, log into Rx Precepter. Additionally, see the database links below to discover residency and fellowship opportunities.