On October 30th, over 300 student pharmacists from across the midwest gathered in Dearborn, Michigan for the beginning of the Region 4 Midyear Regional Meeting (MRM) 2015. The Midyear Regional Meeting is a unique opportunity each year to network with fellow students, participate in policy proposals, and get involved. The theme of APhA-ASP this year, “Live Your Why”, encourages us to recognize our motivations for choosing pharmacy and to use these reasons to drive our actions. Many APhA-ASP members have looked back on this event as not only a turning point in their involvement with APhA-ASP, but also an inspiring experience that helped them to live their why!

The weekend-long conference included a career expo, a policy debate, regional APhA officer elections, and seminars on provider status, leadership, the safe use of OTC medications, and other initiatives. Laura Fleming, P1, said she was looking forward to the policy debate the most; “Every school had a proposed policy and the MC would read through each policy to open up the floor for conversation. [...] It was interesting to see the wide range of proposals from changes in the pharmacy school curriculum to changes in hospital and community practice. I thought it was really neat that it was so ground level and students were actually making a difference!” At night, everyone dressed up for the Rx Heroes Halloween theme. Not only were attendees able to network, they were superheroes at it! On the second day, the University of Michigan chapter presented the APhA-ASP Membership Recognition Award to P3 Victoria Butterfield. The group then trekked to Dearborn to have authentic Lebanese food.

When asked about her experience at the Midyear Regional Meeting this year, P1 Gillian Leung said that the seminars she attended were “inspirational and thought-provoking”. In particular, the opening seminar on the “Live Your Why” theme impacted her the most. She concludes, “While we learn about what pharmacists do and how to be good pharmacists in school, it is very important to know the reason why we are doing what we are doing”.

Membership Recognition Award Presented to Victoria Butterfield

Listing Row

Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Wednesday, December 9, 2015