Safe Medication Disposal Event: Building Momentum in the Community
The University of Michigan College of Pharmacy (UM-COP) hosted its third Safe Medication Disposal Event on Thursday, April 2nd at Ingalls Mall. The event was a collaboration between the University of Michigan Police Department, APhA-ASP Generation Rx Committee, Pharmacy Student Government, Phi Delta Chi Professionalism Committee, Relay for Life, Village Apothecary, and the Yellow Jug Old Drugs Program.
This is the third such event, with progressively greater community participation each session. In April 2015, the event generated a collection of 200 pounds of non-controlled medications and an estimated 35 pounds of controlled medications. In total between the three medication disposal events, 525.2 pounds of non-controlled and 112.5 pounds of controlled medications have been safely disposed of through incineration.
A special thank-you goes to the University of Michigan Police Department, APhA-ASP Generation Rx Committee, Pharmacy Student Government, Phi Delta Chi Professionalism Committee, Relay for Life, Village Apothecary, and the Yellow Jug Old Drugs Program. Their involvement made this event a possibility as well as demonstrates a dedication to the community.
For more information on safe medication disposal, visit the Great Lakes Clean Water Organization.