ACS MedChem Student Chapter Career Forum
The University of Michigan student chapter of the ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry Division is proud to host the Career Forum event for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on May 18, 2018. This is an excellent opportunity for students to connect with professionals in Medicinal Chemistry and related fields. The Career Forum planning committee has invited speakers and panelists with backgrounds in industry, academia, government, writing, and communication to showcase the wide variety of career options available to students in Medicinal Chemistry and related fields. The half day-long event will include a presentation from Dr. Bruce Roth, the inventor of Lipitor and a career panel with invited University of Michigan alumni and Dr. Carole Parent, Professor of Pharmacology and previous Deputy Director of the Center for Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute. The event will conclude with an interactive Career Exploration Workshop for students and a Resumé Building Workshop with the panelists. For information on the event schedule, speakers, and more, visit the event website.
The event is student-organized and student-run and is open to all graduate students and postdoctoral fellows at the University of Michigan. Preregistration is required.