2014 Preceptor of the Year Award-Winner: Kathy Kinsey, BSPharm'76
April 7, 2014
We are excited to announce that Ms. Kathy Kinsey has been selected as the recipient of the 2013-2014 Preceptor of the Year Award! Preceptors are nominated for this award by students and peers.
Ms. Kinsey has been an Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor with the College since 1983, and she precepts Introductory and Advanced Health System/Hospital rotations, both at U-M Medical Center.
University Hospital has played a significant role in Kathy Kinsey’s life. She was born there, as were her two children, and she has spent the majority of her professional life working there. She graduated from the University of Michigan, tried retail pharmacy briefly, and then took a job in the University Hospital pharmacy department that spans more than 35 years.
She describes her position in the Department of Pharmacy as a “jack of all trades—master of none.” She recruits both pharmacists and interns. She collaborates with Dr. Michael Kraft to run the Experiential Training Introductory and Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experiences (IPPEs and APPEs) at the health System. When asked how many students that she has had on rotation, she says “between three and four hundred.” With the help of Dr. John Clark, she started an intern program with 3 students that has grown and become a coveted job for 17 talented University of Michigan pharmacy students. She sets up numerous Job Shadows for students who are trying to find their career direction.
What is her favorite part of the job? Mentoring students, watching them grow professionally and find their niche in the pharmacy world. Pharmacy offers a wide variety of professional opportunities and she encourages her students to explore and find their dream job.
Ms. Kinsey will be recognized at our 11th annual Preceptor Education and Recognition Symposium on May 8, 2014 at Palmer Commons.
Read more about the Preceptor of the Year Award.
Student Nominations
"Kathy Kinsey is very deserving of this outstanding award. This year she served as preceptor for fifteen P3 students for their health system/hospital rotation. This competitive program continues to grow and contributes to the professional development of many highly-qualified students looking for new challenges and experiences."
"Ms. Kinsey did a great job introducing me to the U-M Health System and different pharmacy careers within the system." -P3 Student
"I absolutely loved my rotations at the University of Michigan. I'm very glad I got placed here." -P3 Student
"Kathy Kinsey is the best preceptor I could ask for. She had several informative conversations with me, which led me to expand/narrow my interests by much." -P3 Student