
Precision Pharmacotherapy

The right drug at the right dose for the right duration for the right patient requires precision pharmacotherapy. Faculty within this discipline are leading research efforts to discover and integrate the use of genomics, metabolomics, proteomics, organ function estimation, therapeutic drug monitoring, environmental and lifestyle exposures to guide drug selection and dosing.


Bo Wen photo

Kathleen Stringer, PharmD


Amit Pai, PharmD

Professor, Chair

Vicki Ellingrod, PharmD

Professor, Dean

Bo Wen photo

Daniel Hertz, PharmD, PhD

Associate Professor

Jasmine Luzum, PharmD, PhD

Assistant Professor

Bo Wen photo

Jeong Mi "Jamie" Park, MS, PharmD

Clinical Professor

Amy Pasternak, PharmD

Clinical Assistant Professor

Michael Smith, PharmD

Clinical Associate Professor

Bo Wen photo

Kristen Ward, PharmD

Clinical Assistant Professor


Haojie Zhu, PhD





Listing Row

Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Tuesday, January 28, 2020