This course introduces the concepts required to understand drugs as organic chemicals whose biological activities derive from their chemical structures and physico-chemical properties. The first third of the course covers the general principles of medicinal chemistry and pharmacology. The course continues with a general survey of specific drug classes by covering the structures and mechanisms of action of drugs affecting the autonomic nervous system and the cardiovascular system. The course also includes a brief overview of drug metabolism.

Listing Row

Tuesday, September 22, 2015
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
  • Top 100

    Below are links to the Top 100 games.  Each group of 50 drugs have five different games that you can use.  Drugs 1-50 are all grouped together, while drugs 51-96 are grouped similar to the cards.

    Drugs 1-50 (P504):


    Drugs 51-96 (MC510):