Journal Club

Journal club is held biweekly during the fall and winter semesters and is a student-only event.  All Pharmaceutical Sciences labs will present a recent, original research article that is relevant to their own research fields once per academic year that will be critiqued by all students during the meeting.  Journal club represents a safe space to practice presentation and critical analysis skills for the presenting student. All students are encouraged to present an article at journal club at least once during their PhD careers. Additionally, attending students are also able to expand their understanding of areas of research outside their area of expertise. It is also a great opportunity to develop critical reading skills of scholarly articles.  Lunch is always provided.

Fall 2024 Journal Club Schedule:

Day Lab Presenter Building Room
Sept. 16 Lab Intros -- COP B022
October 14 H. Zhu Hui NCRC ACR1
November 4 Bordeau Dhruv COP B022
December 12 J. Zhu Zitong NCRC ACR1

Winter 2025 Journal Club Schedule:

Day Lab Presenter Building Room
January Brunaugh Grace COP B022
Feburary Moon Yue NCRC TBD
March Sun Neha COP TBD
April S. Schwendeman John NCRC TBD


Listing Row

Tuesday, January 6, 2015
Tuesday, January 6, 2015