About Us
Our student organization is affiliated with the American Chemical Society Division of Medicinal Chemistry. Our purpose is to: encourage professional development and service; provide the means and opportunities for social, recreational, and other activities; and increase awareness of Medicinal Chemistry as a research field and career option. We are open to all graduate or post-doctoral fellows at the University of Michigan in Medicinal Chemistry or related fields. Members and officers of this organization must be members of the ACS Medicinal Chemistry Division.
Please join us at our next event!
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ACSMEDIUOFM
Instagram: @umichacsmedi
Maize Page: https://maizepages.umich.edu/organization/acsmedchem
Listing Row
- Executive Board
President: Mya Gough ([email protected])
Vice President: Austin Ventura ([email protected])
Secretary: Adam Ard ([email protected])
Treasurer: Dalia Soueid ([email protected])
- Cabinet Chairs
Social: Austin Ventura ([email protected])
Community Outreach: Kate Hoegeman ([email protected])
Public Relations: Tim Emmel ([email protected])
Fundraising: Dalia Soueid ([email protected])