2018 Career Forum

May 18th, 2018 9am - 3:30 pm, Rackham Amphitheater and Assembly Hall

Bruce Roth-Keynote Lecture

The University of Michigan student chapter of the ACS Division of Medicinal Chemistry Division hosted the Career Forum event for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows on May 18, 2018. This was an excellent opportunity for students to connect with professionals in Medicinal Chemistry and related fields. The Career Forum planning committee invited speakers and panelists with backgrounds in industry, academia, government, writing, and communication to showcase the wide variety of career options available to students in Medicinal Chemistry and related fields. The half day-long event included a presentation from Dr. Bruce Roth, the inventor of Lipitor and a career panel with invited University of Michigan alumni and Dr. Carole Parent, Professor of Pharmacology and previous Deputy Director of the Center for Cancer Research at the National Cancer Institute. The event concluded with an interactive Career Exploration Workshop for students and a Resumé Building Workshop with the panelists.
Thank you to everyone who helped plan and attended! Look for details on our next Career Event coming soon!
  • Image from 2018 Career Forum Panel

    2018 Career Forum

Image from 2018 Career Forum Panel

May 18, 2018 Schedule



8:30 AM   –   9:00 AM     Coffee & Donuts - Registration

9:00 AM   –   9:15 AM       Keynote Speaker Introduction

9:15 AM   – 10:00 AM       Keynote Presentation by Bruce Roth

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM       Short Q & A session with Keynote speaker and Coffee Break

10:30 AM –  12:00 PM      Panel presentations on career development and Q & A

12:00 PM –    1:30 PM      Lunch and one-on-one discussions with panelists

12:45 PM –    1:15 PM      Professional Student Headshots in the Assembly Hall (first-come, first-served basis)

1:30 PM   –     2:30 PM     Active Career Exploration Workshop for students

2:30 PM   –     3:30 PM     Resume Building Workshop with panelists and keynote speaker


Attire: Casual or Business Casual


Bruce Roth  

Dr. Bruce Roth

Retired Senior Vice President of Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Co-Leader of Genentech Research

Bruce held the role of Senior Vice President of Small Molecule Drug Discovery at Genentech for 7 years before retiring from his position at the end of 2017.  Before working at Genentech, Bruce held positions at Warner-Lambert/ Parke-Davis Co and Pfizer, and served as an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Michigan from 1996-2007.Throughout his career, he has been credited as the inventor or co-inventor on 43 issued U.S. patents and has won numerous awards.  As a member of Warner-Lambert/ Parke-Davis Co in Ann Arbor, MI, Bruce synthesized the compound that would ultimately be marketed as Lipitor®.


Dr. David Bartley

Chairman for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Adrian College

David is a medicinal chemist by training and is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry and serves as Department Chair at Adrian College. He also serves as the director of the Honors Program. The main focus of his job is educating undergraduate students.  In this role, David teaches all of the biochemistry courses at Adrian as well as lectures and labs in a number of chemistry courses.  While teaching is his primary job responsibility, he performs undergraduate research with a small number of student each semester.  His research projects are often designed with the input of the students and are chosen with the primary objective of teaching students new techniques and instilling excellent recordkeeping rather than generating publications.

Dr. Anthony Emanuele

Senior Development Scientist at Beckman Coulter Inc.

Anthony's current role is based in Southfield, MI focusing on new product development for molecular and immuno-based diagnostics. Previously, he was a member of Beckman Coulter's Science and Engineering Innovation Program, where high-potential individuals are selected to rotate through multiple areas of the company.  During the program he completed two rotations in R&D and one in Marketing/Product Management. Anthony graduated from the University of Michigan with a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry in 2015. During his time at the University of Michigan, he received the prestigious American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Fellowship.


Dr. Sarah Mikelman

Medical Writer at OxfordPharmaGenesis

Sarah is a medical writer at a medical communications agency outside of Philadelphia. She primarily works in educational and promotional products. Sarah received her Bachelor of Science in Cell and Molecular Biology from Tulane University in 2009. Sarah graduated from the University of Michigan with a PhD in Pharmacology under Prof. Gnegy in 2016. She has won several awards, including an award for the best poster at the 41st Pharmacology Colloquium at Michigan State University.


Dr. Carole Parent

Lynn and Raymond W. Ruddon Collegiate Professor of Cancer Biology and Pharmacology at the University of Michigan

Carole's scientific interests are centered on studying how cells detect and respond to external chemotactic signals and, in particular, how the spatial and temporal relay of chemotactic signals between cells impact single and group cell migration. Her work has implications in a variety of processes, including inflammation, tissue repair and cancer metastasis. She runs a laboratory consisting of undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellows and senior scientists. Carole acts as their primary mentor by guiding them in their studies and experiments.  She also teaches Pharmacology classes to large groups of either undergraduate or graduate students.



  • Active Career Exploration Workshop: 1:30 - 2:30 PM
  • Hosted by the Cellular & Molecular Biology Career Committee
  • Open to graduate students and post-docs
  • Focus your career goals, hone your transferable skills, and learn practical tips for finding the perfect career

May 18, 2018 Schedule



8:30 AM   –   9:00 AM     Coffee & Donuts - Registration

9:00 AM   –   9:15 AM       Keynote Speaker Introduction

9:15 AM   – 10:00 AM       Keynote Presentation by Bruce Roth

10:00 AM – 10:30 AM       Short Q & A session with Keynote speaker and Coffee Break

10:30 AM –  12:00 PM      Panel presentations on career development and Q & A

12:00 PM –    1:30 PM      Lunch and one-on-one discussions with panelists

12:45 PM –    1:15 PM      Professional Student Headshots in the Assembly Hall (first-come, first-served basis)

1:30 PM   –     2:30 PM     Active Career Exploration Workshop for students

2:30 PM   –     3:30 PM     Resume Building Workshop with panelists and keynote speaker


Attire: Casual or Business Casual

Keynote Speaker


Bruce Roth  

Dr. Bruce Roth

Retired Senior Vice President of Small Molecule Drug Discovery and Co-Leader of Genentech Research

Bruce held the role of Senior Vice President of Small Molecule Drug Discovery at Genentech for 7 years before retiring from his position at the end of 2017.  Before working at Genentech, Bruce held positions at Warner-Lambert/ Parke-Davis Co and Pfizer, and served as an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Michigan from 1996-2007.Throughout his career, he has been credited as the inventor or co-inventor on 43 issued U.S. patents and has won numerous awards.  As a member of Warner-Lambert/ Parke-Davis Co in Ann Arbor, MI, Bruce synthesized the compound that would ultimately be marketed as Lipitor®.



Dr. David Bartley

Chairman for the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Adrian College

David is a medicinal chemist by training and is an Associate Professor of Biochemistry and serves as Department Chair at Adrian College. He also serves as the director of the Honors Program. The main focus of his job is educating undergraduate students.  In this role, David teaches all of the biochemistry courses at Adrian as well as lectures and labs in a number of chemistry courses.  While teaching is his primary job responsibility, he performs undergraduate research with a small number of student each semester.  His research projects are often designed with the input of the students and are chosen with the primary objective of teaching students new techniques and instilling excellent recordkeeping rather than generating publications.

Dr. Anthony Emanuele

Senior Development Scientist at Beckman Coulter Inc.

Anthony's current role is based in Southfield, MI focusing on new product development for molecular and immuno-based diagnostics. Previously, he was a member of Beckman Coulter's Science and Engineering Innovation Program, where high-potential individuals are selected to rotate through multiple areas of the company.  During the program he completed two rotations in R&D and one in Marketing/Product Management. Anthony graduated from the University of Michigan with a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry in 2015. During his time at the University of Michigan, he received the prestigious American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Fellowship.

Career Development Workshop
  • Active Career Exploration Workshop: 1:30 - 2:30 PM
  • Hosted by the Cellular & Molecular Biology Career Committee
  • Open to graduate students and post-docs
  • Focus your career goals, hone your transferable skills, and learn practical tips for finding the perfect career

Listing Row

Friday, March 9, 2018
Friday, March 9, 2018