Letter from the Dean

February 27, 2023

Dear alumni, faculty, staff, and friends, 


For this edition of the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy’s eInteractions newsletter, we are focusing on our amazing research enterprise. We recently held our annual Research Forum, where over 400 attendees recognized the College community’s impact on human health. In addition, several of our faculty have been honored for their research efforts and we wanted to share with you all the good news.  


As you all are aware, the research and scholarship efforts of our faculty, students, and staff are simply amazing and really making an impact on our world. Each of our departments touch human health – from advancing precision health, to innovating the delivery of therapeutics for the treatment of cancer, to revolutionizing how new lead compounds are identified and ultimately translated into therapeutics compounds.  


The impact of research can be seen in several metrics from the last five years – three of which were during COVID when our labs shut down. We had an average of 25 invention reports a year, 10 license/option agreements a year, and 13 license reports in agreement. In fiscal year 2022, we actually had 20 license reports in agreements. Overall, our research expenditures for fiscal year 2022 were the highest they have ever been at $18.5M. This level of research ranks us 4th in the entire U-M research enterprise, only behind the School of Public Health, Engineering, and the School for Environment and Sustainability. Thus, although we are a small college compared to others in the Big 10, we are having a huge impact both locally and globally.  


Thank you to all our readers who play a part in supporting our research endeavors. All things are possible with the continued support and collaborative efforts of our community. Our research enterprise touches every aspect of pharmacy, and our college is filled with extraordinary minds ready to tackle some of the world’s most challenging issues.


Go Blue! 


Vicki L. Ellingrod, PharmD, FCCP, FACNP (She/Her)


Dean and John Gideon Searle Professor of Clinical and Translational Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy

Professor of Psychiatry and Adjunct Professor of Psychology

Associate Director, Michigan Institute for Clinical and Health Research (MICHR) and Director of the Education and Mentoring Group



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