At the Forefront of Making Profound and Positive Impacts on Society
College Alumni Elect New Board of Governors
August 5, 2020
We are thrilled to announce the eight (8) U-M College of Pharmacy alumni that were elected by fellow classmates to represent them on the College’s Alumni Society Board of Governors. These individuals will serve a three-year term with the opportunity to run again. The roles of the Board are to foster communication between the College […]
Sidney R. Blank Scholarship Fund
August 4, 2020
The Sidney R. Blank Scholarship Fund The Sidney R. Blank Scholarship Fund, established in 2014, provides scholarships to pharmacy doctoral students in good academic standing and with financial need. Mr. Blank received his B.S.Pharm in 1960. The scholarship recipient wrote their benefactor the following thank you letter in recognition of their generosity in FY2020. Dear Mr. […]
Robert and Nancy Lipper Scholarship
July 31, 2020
Robert and Nancy Lipper Scholarship Established on March 16, 2015 by Robert and Nancy Lipper. This fund assists pharmacy students in good academic standing with demonstrated financial need. Their scholarship recipient wrote the family the following thank you letter in recognition of their generosity in FY2020. Dear Lipper family, My name is Grace Hohn, and I […]
Patrick J. and Noreen M. Sinko Scholarship Fund
July 31, 2020
Patrick J. and Noreen M. Sinko Scholarship Fund Established on December 21, 2015. Established in 2015, this fund is used to support one or more students at the College. Their scholarship recipient wrote the family the following thank you letter in recognition of their generosity in FY2020. Dear Sinko Family, Thank you for establishing the […]
Dean V. L. Perry Scholarship Fund
July 31, 2020
Dean V. L. Perry Scholarship Fund Established on February 7, 2012. To honor the great life and countless achievements of Dean Valener Perry, students, alumni, colleagues, family, and friends established the Dean V.L. Perry Scholarship Fund in 2012. Dean Perry, was a driving force in student recruitment, admissions, and retention at the University of Michigan […]
Maria Luz Ali Ajami Memorial Scholarship Fund
July 31, 2020
Maria Luz Ali Ajami Memorial Scholarship Fund Established on August 7, 2015. This Fund is in memory of Dr. Maria Luz Ali Ajami, a 2013 graduate of the College who passed away just prior to the end of her PGY2 Residency at the University of Wisconsin Hospital. Dr. Ajami was active in Phi Delta Chi and […]
Chhotubhai and Savitaben Patel Fellowship Fund
July 31, 2020
Chhotubhai and Savitaben Patel Fellowship Fund Established on October, 6, 2005. This fellowship was established in 2005 by Dinesh (PhD’78), Kiran, and Pradip Patel to honor their parents. This fund will allow the College to award the Chhotubhai Patel Fellowship and the Savitaben Patel Fellowship to first-year PhD candidates at the College in Pharmaceutics. Their […]
Students Get Hands-On Experience with COVID Cases During Emergency Response Rotation
July 29, 2020
Forty University of Michigan College of Pharmacy 4th-year students recently completed the COVID Emergency Response rotation – the second group to go through the inventive and relevant nontraditional Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience (APPE). Read more on how the rotation was developed and the College’s efforts to ensure all P4’s receive their experiential training. “I know […]
Drug That Calms ‘Cytokine Storm’ Linked to Lower Risk of Death Among COVID-19 Patients on Ventilators
July 13, 2020
Critically ill COVID-19 patients who received a single dose of a drug that calms an overreacting immune system were 45% less likely to die overall, compared with those who didn’t receive the drug, according to a new University of Michigan study. And they were more likely to be out of the hospital or off a […]
Clinical Pharmacy Grad Student Earns AFPE Fellowship
July 9, 2020
Theodore Jennaro, 2nd year graduate student in Clinical Pharmacy Translational Sciences at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, has earned an American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Regional Fellowship. The AFPE fellowship program is designed to positively impact patient and public health by supporting high performing students who possess the skill and aptitude to […]
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