Gregory Amidon Retires from University of Michigan
August 19, 2021
Gregory Amidon, research professor of pharmaceutical sciences, will retire from the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, effective August 31, 2021.
Dr. Amidon received his Bachelor of Science in Medicinal Chemistry and his PhD in Pharmaceutical Chemistry from the University of Michigan, in 1974 and 1979, respectively. He joined the U-M College of Pharmacy in 2007, after 28 years in the pharmaceutical industry.
Prior to joining the University, Dr. Amidon held research positions in pharmaceutical research and development for Pfizer, Pharmacia, Pharmacia & Upjohn, and The Upjohn Company. His research focuses on oral bioperformance assessment and in vivo predictive dissolution as well as pharmaceutical materials science.
“It was an amazing opportunity to return to my alma mater as a faculty member,” says Dr. Amidon. “I have always been proud to be a graduate of the University of Michigan and the College of Pharmacy. My experiences as a student have impacted every day of the rest of my life – setting the stage for my career in the pharmaceutical industry and ultimately as a faculty member in the College.”
“The silver lining of Pfizer leaving Ann Arbor was that it allowed us to recruit Greg into our department,” says David Smith, PhD, John G. Wagner Collegiate Professor of Pharmacy. “It was a pleasure to work with Greg over the past 13 years as a colleague and friend, where he added professionalism, excellence in research and teaching, and outstanding citizenship to the College.”
“I had the opportunity to collaborate with so many students and faculty from Michigan, as well as collaborators and friends from faraway places, to study and provide new insights into the oral delivery of medicines,” notes Dr. Amidon. “This also gave me an opportunity to collaborate closely with my first mentor and one of my favorite people of all time – my brother, Gordon.”
“It has been my great pleasure to collaborate with my brother, most recently on our joint FDA project on modernizing the bioequivalence requirements for oral drug products,” says Gordon Amidon, PhD’71, William I Higuchi Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Charles R Walgreen Jr Professor Emeritus of Pharmacy and Professor Emeritus of Pharmaceutical Sciences. “Our complementary expertise, his in solids and material science and mine in oral biopharmaceutics complemented one another perfectly. I have no doubt that our joint initiative in mechanistic biopharmaceutics will be a major innovation in pharmaceutical sciences in the future.”
“I am pleased to have had the opportunity to help bring new life to our BSPS program and, more recently, the new MS in Integrated Pharmaceutical Sciences program,” adds Dr. Greg Amidon. “Each offers students new opportunities to further their academic experience in health and pharmaceutical sciences that will expand their opportunities to impact the health and wellbeing of people around the world.”
“Greg had a big (and positive) influence on my life,” says Deanna Mudie, PhD’14, former graduate student. “His encouragement led me to graduate school, which led me to studying solid oral bioperformance, and ultimately brought me to my wonderful life in Oregon. He always inspired me and has been a wonderful mentor and friend.”
“I was honored to be advised by Greg, who has a great deal of academic and industrial experience and a highly energetic advisor,” notes Niloufar Salehi, PhD’21*, former graduate student. “I cannot imagine how my future career looked like if I was not a part of his team.”
“Not only is he a terrific scientist and mentored many graduate students, but he was also a great teacher,” explains Dr. Steven Schwendeman, PhD’92, Chair and Ara G. Paul Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences. “He will leave a legacy of getting Michigan back in the business of teaching undergraduate pharmacy students where it belongs. I will miss his enthusiasm, no nonsense and positive can do attitude, and industrial perspective.”
Dr. Amidon adds that, “I have been blessed with fantastic support from my department colleagues and each of the three deans I had the privilege to work with. Finally, the opportunity to work with and get to know the College staff has been a joy.”
Dr. Amidon’s plans for retirement include more time spent with family and friends, particularly at his lake house in North Carolina near his daughter, son-in-law, and 2-year-old grandson. Dr. Amidon plans to travel; he is currently preparing for 10 days of bicycling in the Alps. He also hopes to make some improvements to his golf game.
More on Dr. Amidon:
Dr. Amidon served as the President of the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists (AAPS) from 2015-2016; he was named a fellow of the organization in 1997. He is the recipient of the 2014 AAPS Research Achievement Award in Physical Pharmacy and Biopharmaceutics, the 2015 Champion of Quality award from the United States Pharmacopeia (USP), and is a recipient of the Ebert Prize from the American Pharmacists Association. He serves on the USP Board of Trustees representing pharmaceutical sciences.
*to be conferred September 2021.
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