Course Catalog

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PharmSci | Elective | PharmSci

PharmSci 420 – Medicinal Cannabis

Credits: 2

This course will cover all aspects related to the medicinal use of Cannabis, focusing on different perspectives offered by lecturers with highly relevant, related expertise. Lecturers will include local scientists and physicians, Medical Cannabis doctors, dispensary owners, Cannabis lawyers, politicians, and students who are pursuing Cannabis-related careers.

Prerequisites: Junior & Senior students or with permission. Successful completion of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry (Chem 210/211) and Biology (Biology 172) required.

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Elective | PharmSci | Pharmacy - A/R, A/C, H/HS, R/PH

PharmSci 420 – Medicinal Cannabis

Credits: 2

This course will cover all aspects related to the medicinal use of Cannabis, focusing on different perspectives offered by lecturers with highly relevant, related expertise. Lecturers will include local scientists and physicians, Medical Cannabis doctors, dispensary owners, Cannabis lawyers, politicians, and students who are pursuing Cannabis-related careers.

Prerequisites: Junior & Senior students or with permission. Successful completion of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry (Chem 210/211) and Biology (Biology 172) required.

Terms: Winter

BSPS | Elective | PharmSci

PharmSci 470 – Undergraduate Research

Credits: 1-6

The experiences will vary depending on the specific faculty member's project but may include: conducting clinical or basic science research, performing an extensive review of the literature and preparing a summary report/manuscript, analyzing data that has previously been collected. Students may work on a single project or be exposed to several types of projects during the course. For specific details of the course, students should contact individual faculty.

Terms: Fall/Winter

BSPS | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 499 – BSPS Selected Topics

Credits: 1

Selected topics course in the undergraduate Pharmaceutical Sciences program.

Prerequisites: BSPS students or permission to enroll

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 508 – Drug Delivery and Solutions

Credits: 3

Basic principles of drug delivery are developed with respect to identifying and characterizing biological and physical-chemical barriers to the bioavailability of drugs. Routes of drug delivery and related dosage forms are also introduced. Specific emphasis is placed on building principles and solving problems in equilibria, transport, and chemical kinetics of drug solutions as they relate to liquid dosage form performance.

Prerequisites: Chemistry 216 and Physics 216

Terms: Fall

PharmD | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 518 – Drug Delivery and Drugs in Dispersed Systems and Solid Forms

Credits: 3

Course content includes the formulation, development and approval process of dosage forms comprised of dispersed phases (suspensions and emulsions) and solid phases (amorphous and crystalline). The course integrates physicochemical and concepts with quality and performance of topical, oral and inhalation dosage forms.

Prerequisites: Pharmaceutical Sciences 508

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Elective | PharmSci | Pharmacy - A/R

PharmSci 570 – Research

Credits: 1-6

The experiences will vary depending on the specific faculty member's project but may include: conducting clinical or basic science research, performing an extensive review of the literature and preparing a summary report/manuscript, analyzing data that has previously been collected. Students may work on a single project or be exposed to several types of projects during the course. For specific details of the course, students should contact individual faculty.

Prerequisites: PharmD students. Permission of instructor.

Terms: Fall, Winter, SprSum

MSIPS | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 580 – Mathematical Principles in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Credits: 4

This course develops mathematical principles with a strong emphasis on ordinary and partial differential equations that are applied in the physical pharmacy and pharmacokinetic disciplines within the pharmaceutical sciences. This course is currently required of first year graduate students in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department that have not taken an acceptable differential equations course when entering the program.

Prerequisites: Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD students OR MATH 115 and 116; (C or better) and Junior or Senior standing or Rackham Graduate Standing. Minimum grade requirement: C for those would need MATH 115 and 116

Terms: Fall

PharmSci | Elective | PharmSci

PharmSci 580 – Mathematical Principles in Pharmaceutical Sciences

Credits: 4

This course develops mathematical principles with a strong emphasis on ordinary and partial differential equations that are applied in the physical pharmacy and pharmacokinetic disciplines within the pharmaceutical sciences. This course is currently required of first year graduate students in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department that have not taken an acceptable differential equations course when entering the program.

Prerequisites: Pharmaceutical Sciences PhD students OR MATH 115 and 116; (C or better) and Junior or Senior standing or Rackham Graduate Standing. Minimum grade requirement: C for those would need MATH 115 and 116

Terms: Fall

PharmD | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 608 – Basic and Clinical Pharmacokinetics

Credits: 4

This course is the third of four required courses in the pharmaceutical sciences curriculum. Course content includes the absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion of drugs and drug-related species by the body. Emphasis is placed on the use (not the derivation) of pharmacokinetic/dynamic models and equations. Additional emphasis is placed on designing suitable dosage regimens for the treatment and prevention of disease in humans. Three lecture hours and one discussion hour a week.

Prerequisites: Pharmaceutical Sciences 518

Terms: Fall

MSIPS | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 700 – Pharmacokinetics

Credits: 2

Offered alternate Fall Terms. This entry level course is designed for 1st or 2nd year graduate students in the pharmaceutical or related biomedical sciences. The course focuses on the ADME concepts of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and basic pharmacokinetic/dynamic modeling. One two-hour lecture is held each week.

Prerequisites: Graduate Student Standing

Terms: Fall

CPTS | Required - PP | PharmSci

PharmSci 700 – Pharmacokinetics

Credits: 2

Offered alternate Fall Terms. This entry level course is designed for 1st or 2nd year graduate students in the pharmaceutical or related biomedical sciences. The course focuses on the ADME concepts of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and basic pharmacokinetic/dynamic modeling. One two‚Äêhour lecture is held each week.

Prerequisites: Graduate Student Standing

Terms: Fall

PharmSci | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 700 – Pharmacokinetics

Credits: 2

Offered alternate Fall Terms. This entry level course is designed for 1st or 2nd year graduate students in the pharmaceutical or related biomedical sciences. The course focuses on the ADME concepts of absorption, distribution, metabolism, excretion, and basic pharmacokinetic/dynamic modeling. One two-hour lecture is held each week.

Prerequisites: Graduate Student Standing

Terms: Fall

MSIPS | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 701 – Equilibria and Dosage Forms

Credits: 2

Offered alternate Fall Terms. This course focuses on the physical chemistry of drugs and drug delivery systems. Thermodynamic principles, solution and interfacial phenomena, solubility, and solid state properties will be emphasized with a focus primarily on small molecules. These physicochemical principles will be applied to the design, characterization, and performance of a variety of drug delivery systems.

Prerequisites: Graduate student standing or permission of instructor

Terms: Fall

PharmSci | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 701 – Equilibria and Dosage Forms

Credits: 2

Offered alternate Fall Terms. This course focuses on the physical chemistry of drugs and drug delivery systems. Thermodynamic principles, solution and interfacial phenomena, solubility, and solid state properties will be emphasized with a focus primarily on small molecules. These physicochemical principles will be applied to the design, characterization, and performance of a variety of drug delivery systems.

Prerequisites: Graduate student standing or permission of instructor

Terms: Fall

MSIPS | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 702 – Biopharmaceutics

Credits: 2

Offered alternate Fall Terms. This course presents modern mechanistic biopharmaceutics of pharmaceutical dosage forms. While focused primarily on oral drug absorption, alternative dosage forms will also be discussed. Classical pharmacokinetic approaches will be illustrated and discussed, emphasizing the difference between systemic availability, bioavailability, relative bioavailability, fraction absorbed, and fraction dissolved. The course will also include a discussion of modern regulatory standards for pharmaceutical products.

Prerequisites: Graduate student standing

Terms: Fall

PharmSci | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 702 – Biopharmaceutics

Credits: 2

Offered alternate Fall Terms. This course presents modern mechanistic biopharmaceutics of pharmaceutical dosage forms. While focused primarily on oral drug absorption, alternative dosage forms will also be discussed. Classical pharmacokinetic approaches will be illustrated and discussed, emphasizing the difference between systemic availability, bioavailability, relative bioavailability, fraction absorbed, and fraction dissolved. The course will also include a discussion of modern regulatory standards for pharmaceutical products.

Prerequisites: Graduate student standing

Terms: Fall

MSIPS | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 703 – Mass Transport and Chemical Kinetics

Credits: 2

Offered alternate fall terms. This course focuses on the fundamentals of rate processes pertaining to drug delivery. Rate processes will include both physical (i.e., mass transport processes) and chemical (i.e., degredation of drugs) rates. An introduction to these concepts will be provided including both qualitative and quantitative treatment. Regular problem sets will be assigned to re-inforce concepts discussed in class and in the assigned reading. Mass transfer will be applied to drugs moving in solution, dissolving from solid dosage forms, and traversing polymer and biological membranes. Decomposition of drugs will be examined in solution, in the solid state, and within dosage forms.

Prerequisites: Math 216 Differential Equations completed or taken concurrently. Graduate student standing or permission of instructor.

Terms: Fall

PharmSci | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 703 – Mass Transport and Chemical Kinetics

Credits: 2

Offered alternate fall terms. This course focuses on the fundamentals of rate processes pertaining to drug delivery. Rate processes will include both physical (i.e., mass transport processes) and chemical (i.e., degredation of drugs) rates. An introduction to these concepts will be provided including both qualitative and quantitative treatment. Regular problem sets will be assigned to re-inforce concepts discussed in class and in the assigned reading. Mass transfer will be applied to drugs moving in solution, dissolving from solid dosage forms, and traversing polymer and biological membranes. Decomposition of drugs will be examined in solution, in the solid state, and within dosage forms.

Prerequisites: Math 216 Differential Equations completed or taken concurrently. Graduate student standing or permission of instructor.

Terms: Fall

MSIPS | Required | PharmSci

PharmSci 704 – Analytical Methods in Drug Delivery

Credits: 2

The aim of this course is to present students with a broad range of topics and also in-depth treatment on selected analytical methods and techniques that have been used in the design and characterization of various pharmaceutical products: from small molecules to biologics.

Prerequisites: Graduate student standing or permission of instructor

Terms: Fall