Course Catalog

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PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/C, H/HS

Pharmacy 677 – Pediatric Pharmacotherapy

Credits: 1.5

This course provides disease-oriented, pharmacy-oriented insight into the pathophysiology, diagnosis, and rational drug treatment of diseases primarily encountered in the pediatric age group. Emphasis is on the pharmacist's role in selecting drug products, individualizing dosages, and monitoring patients.

Prerequisites: Second and third year PharmD students or permission of instructor

Terms: Fall

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 702 – Therapeutic Problem Solving III

Credits: 4

The focus of this course is on drug therapy and applied pharamcokinetics of common and acute conditions related to mental health, nephrology, and infectious diseases. The role of evidence based medicine in regard to therapeutic decisions is emphasized and builds upon basic biological, pharmacological and pharmaceutical sciences. Developing pharmaceutical care plans that build skills on recommending therapy, evaluating and monitoring the efficacy and safety of medications for individual patients is also emphasized.

Prerequisites: Completion of Pharmacy 612

Terms: Fall

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 703 – Health Systems/Hospital IPPE

Credits: 2

This course is designed to enhance the pharmacy skills learned earlier in the program by providing hands-on experience dispensing medications, conducting drug therapy assessments, counseling patients about prescription medications, communicating with other health care practitioners, and completing special written projects or presentations. Eight hours per week of supervised supervised experiences in the hospital pharmacy setting.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Fall/Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 704 – EBM/Ethics Clinical Application

Credits: 2

This course builds on the principles and skills taught in Pharmacy 604 regarding evidence based medicine. These skills and principles include drug information and literature evaluation, developing search strategies and critically evaluating scientific literature, applying the evidence in clinical practice, and exploring principals of ethics and ethical dilemmas that present challenges to the clinical practitioner.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Fall

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 706 – Pharmacy Healthcare Outcomes

Credits: 2

The purpose of this course is to introduce concepts of effectiveness of pharmaceuticals to professional pharmacy students. The evaluation of effectiveness includes introduction of diverse topics such as drug utilization evaluation, pharmacoepdemiology, patient reported outcomes, medication error reduction, pharmaceutical policy/procedure development,health disparities, pharmacoeconomics, medication use-related database evaluation and basic concepts of Public health.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Fall

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 711 – Life Long Learning 3

Credits: 0.5

The third course in a series of professional development courses, following Pharmacy 511 and Pharmacy 611.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 712 – Therapeutic Problem Solving IV

Credits: 4

The last in a sequence of courses that integrate the pathophysiology and therapeutics of diseases. The focus is on drug therapy and applied pharmacokinetics of common and acute conditions related to oncology, rheumatology, hepatology, cardiology and others. The class includes discussion sesssions and a laboratory. A team-based, interactive approach to teaching is an essential part of the course series. Since class time is devoted to discussion and a lab, it is essential that students come prepared for class. Outside classroom assignments are an essential component of the course.

Prerequisites: Pharmacy 702

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 713 – Direct Patient Care Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience

Credits: 1

This course builds upon the skills learned earlier in the program. It facilitates the development of pharmaceutical care skills through students' participation in patient care initiatives that contribute to the role of pharmacists in health care. Emphasis is on developing these skills: patient data collection, medication assessment, pharmaceutical care plans involving evidence-based recommendations, chart notes, and written, interpersonal and interprofessional communication skills. Four hours of direct patient care experience per week.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Fall/Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 714 – Team-Based Clinical Decision Making

Credits: 2

This inter-professional course is designed for students in: dentistry, medicine, nursing, pharmacy, and social work. The course allows health professional students to gain an understanding of how each discipline contributes to the healthcare team and the importance of effective communication and team collaboration to clinical decision making.

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 716 – Pharmacy Law

Credits: 2

This course emphasizes the application of pertinent laws, rules, and regulations to the practice of pharmacy. Students will gain an understanding of the rules and regulations governing the practice of pharmacy through faculty lecture, classroom discussion, and assignments. Students will also learn where to find information regarding pharmacy law that they will continue to use through their professional life.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 719 – PharmD Investigations – Research Data

Credits: 2

The second in a sequence of three courses needed for the PharmD Investigations requirement. This semester of the series is designed for students to obtain hands on experience in conducting their research and collecting and analyzing all research data. Students work under the supervision of their faculty mentor to develop data collection forms and methods to archive data in a way that facilitates their analysis.

Prerequisites: Pharmacy PharmD Investigations - Research Proposal

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 723 – Pharmacy Practice Skills III

Credits: 2

This course is designed to develop and enhance patient care skills in the management of the most common chronic disease states managed in the ambulatory care environment. Students will enrich their patient care skills and core clinical communication skills through a combination of individual and group activities.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Fall

PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - CE

Pharmacy 727 – Career and Professional Development

Credits: 2

This course explores a variety of topics, including unique opportunities for pharmacists in industry, government, professional writing; the pros and cons of post-graduate training (fellowships, residencies, Ph.D., etc.); how to get the "perfect job", job interview techniques; pros and cons of board certification; how to become professionally active; and balancing both professional and personal demands.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 730 – PharmD Seminar

Credits: 1

A formal seminar is presented by each student to the fourth-year PharmD class and selected faculty on topics ranging from patient case studies to the analysis of pharmacy practice problems. Each seminar topic is directed by a faculty preceptor and includes a question and answer period and discussion questions.

Prerequisites: Fourth Year PharmD Students

Terms: Spring/Summer & Fall

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 731 – Life Long Learning 4

Credits: 0.5

The fourth course in a series of professional development courses.

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 733 – Pharmacy Practice Skills IV

Credits: 2

This course builds on the skills learned in the Therapeutic Problem Solving series and facilitates further development of aspects of the pharmacists’ patient care process, preparing students for subsequent advanced pharmacy practice experiences. Emphasis is placed on developing the following clinical skills: data collection through use of the electronic medical record, drug therapy assessment, written patient-centered care plans including evidence-based recommendations, SOAP note documentation, drug information retrieval, oral case presentations and other formal presentations.

Prerequisites: Third year pharmacy students

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 739 – PharmD Investigations – Research Report

Credits: 1

The third in a sequence of courses needed to complete the PharmD Investigations requirement. This course in the series is designed for students to gain experience writing a research report, after completing data collection and analysis. Students work under the supervision of their faculty mentor and submit the final report to the Investigations Committee.

Prerequisites: Pharmacy PharmD Investigations - Research Data

Terms: Fall/Winter

PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/C, H/HS

Pharmacy 757 – Be More Aware in Eldercare: Learning the Geria-tricks of the Trade

Credits: 2

Study the physiological, social, psychological, pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic changes that make medication dosing and monitoring different in geriatric patients. Heavy clinical tilt makes great preparation for Internal Medicine and Ambulatory Care Rotations. Will also study the issues surrounding death and dying, Hospice versus Palliative Care, and caregiving.

Prerequisites: Third year PharmD students or permission of the instructor

Terms: Fall

PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - H/HS

Pharmacy 767 – Introduction to Critical Care Pharmacotherapy

Credits: 2

This course provides a basic overview of key concepts in critical care. Course content includes the principles of hemodynamic monitoring and the pathophysiology and management of selected diseases affecting major organ systems and requiring intensive care therapy.

Prerequisites: Third Year PharmD Students

Terms: Winter

PharmD | Required | Pharmacy

Pharmacy 787 – Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience 1

Credits: 4

Each of the required advanced pharmacy practice experiences provide five weeks of supervised pharmacy practice for at least 40 hours per week. The advanced pharmacy practice experiences are conducted in community, institutional, inpatient care, ambulatory care, drug information, and nontraditional care practice settings throughout southeast Michigan, or a select out-of-state sites. A minimum of eight experiences are required in the final year of the PharmD program and one additional experience may be scheduled, upon request of the student.

Prerequisites: Fourth-year standing and successful completion of Pharmacy 702 and 712

Terms: Spring/Summer