Course Catalog
Get to Know the Required and Elective Courses for Each of our Programs
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PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 514 – Pharmacy Practice Skills II
Credits: 2
This course is the second in the pharmacy practice skills series. Topics covered include principles of compounding non-sterile and sterile products, reinforcement of pharmaceutical calculations, and principles of health system drug distribution including quality assurance, regulatory compliance, and drug diversion.
Prerequisites: Pharmacy 504
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 516 – Health Care Systems
Credits: 2
The purpose of this course is to understand and analyze the various components of the United States Health care system with attention to the role of cost, access, pharmaceuticals, and the health care organization, government and health care professionals. This knowledge allows pharmacists to effectively navigate the health system for themselves, their patients, and society.
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/C, DEI, H/HS
Pharmacy 517 – Health and Disability
Credits: 2
Students will gain understanding of the comprehensive management of a person with a disability in a health care or public health setting. This will include learning to effectively communicate and partner with people with disabilities. This course will: address disability civil rights; provide a basic understanding of a variety of disability conditions; and provide options/resources available to assist the healthcare provider in providing care to people with disabilities.
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/C, H/HS
Pharmacy 547 – Fundamentals of Pain Management for Pharmacy
Credits: 1
Students in this course will work in facilitated small groups to apply pain management concepts, ranging from pain pathophysiology to medication selection, to clinical cases. Students are expected to develop clinical reasoning skills, both pertaining specifically to pain management and more broadly to patient care.
Prerequisites: Second and Third year PharmD students OR First year PharmD students who have completed Pharmacy 117
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/R
Pharmacy 570 – Research
Credits: 1-6
The experiences will vary depending on the specific faculty member's project but may include: conducting clinical or basic science research, performing an extensive review of the literature and preparing a summary report/manuscript, analyzing data that has previously been collected. Students may work on a single project or be exposed to several types of projects during the course. For specific details of the course, students should contact individual faculty.
Prerequisites: PharmD students. Permission of instructor.
Terms: Fall/Winter
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 602 – Therapeutic Problem Solving I
Credits: 4
Second in a five-part sequence which integrates the pathophysiology and therapeutics of diseases. The focus is on drug therapy and applied pharmacokinetics of common chronic and acute conditions, including hypertension and diabetes. The role of evidence based medicine in regard to therapeutic decisions is emphasized and builds upon basic biological, pharmacological and pharmaceutical sciences. Developing pharmaceutical care plans that build skills on recommending therapy, evaluating and monitoring the efficacy and safety of medications for an individual patients is also emphasized.
Prerequisites: MedChem 510 and concurrent with MedChem 600 and PharmSci 608
Terms: Fall
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 603 – Community Introductory Pharmacy Practice Experience
Credits: 2
This course is designed to enhance pharmacy skills learned earlier in the program through hands-on experience dispensing medications, drug therapy assessments, counseling patients about presription and nonprescription medications, communicating with other health care professionals, and completing special written projects or presentations. Eight hours per week of supervised experience in a community pharmacy.
Prerequisites: Second Year PharmD Students
Terms: Fall/Winter
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 604 – Evidence Based Medicine
Credits: 3
This course teaches the principles of drug information and literature evaluation using the concepts of evidence based practice. Skills include identifying resources to answer clinical questions, developing search strategies, and critically evaluating scientific literature allowing students to identify and utilize the best evidence to make decisions regarding patient care.
Terms: Fall
PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/R, CE
Pharmacy 607 – Veterinary Pharmacotherapeutics
Credits: 2
Students will develop and improve their understanding of the role of pharmacists in veterinary medicine including opportunities for specialization. Veterinary therapeutics will be reviewed including cardiology, anesthesia, critical care, oncology, antimicrobials, parasitology-zoonosis, food animal medicine, and early drug (pre‚Äêclinical) development. Veterinary laws and regulations including compounding will be discussed.
Prerequisites: Second and third year PharmD students and graduate students
Terms: Fall
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 611 – Life Long Learning 2
Credits: 0.5
This course teaches the principles of drug information and literature evaluation using the concepts of evidence based practice. Skills include identifying resources to answer clinical questions, developing search strategies, and critically evaluating scientific literature allowing students to identify and utilize the best evidence to make decisions regarding patient care.
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 612 – Therapeutic Problem Solving II
Credits: 4
Third of a five-part course sequence which integrates the pathophysiology and therapeutics of diseases. The focus is on drug therapy and applied pharmacokinetics of common and acute conditions in areas such as women's health and pediatrics among others. Class time is devoted to discussion and a laboratory. A team based interactive approach to teaching is an essential part of the course series. Since class time is devoted to discussion and a lab, it is essential that students come prepared for class. Outside classroom assignments will be an essential component of the course.
Prerequisites: Completion of Pharmacy 602
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 613 – Ambulatory Care IPPE
Credits: 0.5
This course is designed to introduce students to ambulatory care pharmacy practice and enhance pharmacy skills learned earlier in the program through hands-on experience, including patient assessment, drug therapy assessment, patient case presentations, and communicating with other health care professionals. Seven weeks (4.5 hours per week) of supervised experience.
Prerequisites: Second year Doctor of Pharmacy students
Terms: Fall/Winter
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 614 – Principles of Research and Problem Solving
Credits: 3
This is an introductory course in research methods and proposal writing. The course is designed to give students experience in hypothesis and specific aims development and an overview of scientific study design. The course objectives will be accomplished through didactic lecture and small group and individual assignments. Ultimately, each student will write a brief research proposal that follows a similar format to the PharmD Investigations proposal. In addition, students will present their research idea to peers in a poster/abstract format.
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 616 – Health-System Pharmacy Practice, Leadership and Management
Credits: 3
This course is taught and assessed to establish best practices in health-system pharmacy and is designed to develop tomorrow's practitioners and leaders in health-system pharmacy practice. Class discussions and laboratory assignments will provide active learning opportunities for students to practice health-system skills and techniques.
Prerequisites: Second Year PharmD Students
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/R, A/C, BA, CE
Pharmacy 617 – Foundations of Pharmacy Leadership
Credits: 1
This course teaches students how to further develop their leadership skills and lead change within the pharmacy profession post-graduation. Students work on skills critical for leading teams, learn strategies for developing mentor relationships, network with adjunct faculty and alumni, and explore topics such as self-awareness, conflict management and handling difficult conversations.
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/C, BA, CE
Pharmacy 627 – Introduction to Managed Care Pharmacy
Credits: 1
This course will provide an overview of managed care pharmacy and delve into the various roles and responsibilities that pharmacists can have within a managed care setting. Experts within the specialties of this field will educate students on what their specialty entails and students will help supplement this session with a student-led topic discussion. Students will also be required to complete a monograph for an assigned drug similar to the process used for a Pharmacy and Therapeutics (P&T) Committee meeting.
Prerequisites: Successful completion of the first year of the PharmD program
Terms: Fall
PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/C, H/HS
Pharmacy 637 – Introduction to Oncology and Oncology Concepts
Credits: 2
This course will offer introductory concepts to cancer care including survivorship, the patient experience, supportive care management including internal medicine application and the multidisciplinary approach to problem solving and patient care. A few initial complex patient cases will be a common thread throughout the course to apply knowledge gained each class.
Terms: Fall
MSIPS | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 647 – Clinical Trials for Translational Scientists
Credits: 2
In this multidisciplinary course students will design their own clinical trial by being part of a T0-T3 translational research team. Topics covered include trial design, ethical issues, managing the study team, study conduct, IRB and regulatory practice, protecting and respecting participants, managing data and data safety, and communicating findings.
Prerequisites: Statistics or Biostatistics, and prior or concurrent enrollment in Pharmacy 614 or Pharmacology 640
Terms: Winter
CPTS | Required | Pharmacy
Pharmacy 647 – Clinical Trials for Translational Scientists
Credits: 2
In this multidisciplinary course students will design their own clinical trial by being part of a T0-T3 translational research team. Topics covered include trial design, ethical issues, managing the study team, study conduct, IRB and regulatory practice, protecting and respecting participants, managing data and data safety, and communicating findings.
Prerequisites: Statistics or Biostatistics, and prior or concurrent enrollment in Pharmacy 614 or Pharmacology 640
Terms: Winter
PharmD | Elective | Pharmacy | Pharmacy - A/R
Pharmacy 647 – Clinical Trials for Translational Scientists
Credits: 2
In this multidisciplinary course students will design their own clinical trial by being part of a T0-T3 translational research team. Topics covered include trial design, ethical issues, managing the study team, study conduct, IRB and regulatory practice, protecting and respecting participants, managing data and data safety, and communicating findings.
Prerequisites: Statistics or Biostatistics, and prior or concurrent enrollment in Pharmacy 614 or Pharmacology 640
Terms: Winter