
Research and Practice

Dr. Jasmine Luzum Publishes Review of Pharmacogenomics for COVID-19 Therapies

September 3, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact global health and safety. Numerous drugs are under expedited investigations, without well-established safety or efficacy data. Jasmine Luzum, PharmD, PhD, BCPS, assistant professor of clinical pharmacy, has published a review of pharmacogenomics for COVID-19 therapies in a Nature journal. The goal of Dr. Luzum’s research is to use precision […]

Drug That Calms ‘Cytokine Storm’ Linked to Lower Risk of Death Among COVID-19 Patients on Ventilators

July 13, 2020

Critically ill COVID-19 patients who received a single dose of a drug that calms an overreacting immune system were 45% less likely to die overall, compared with those who didn’t receive the drug, according to a new University of Michigan study. And they were more likely to be out of the hospital or off a […]

First Paper Published by the Cernak Lab Featured in Nature

April 1, 2020

Recently featured in Nature, “A map of the amine-carboxylic acid coupling system” opens the door to a new field of drug discovery. Until now, the coupling of an amine with a carboxylic acid to form an amine bond has been the reaction used in 25% of drug discovery. However, the new paper from the Cernak […]

Adverse Medication Events in Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Those Without

January 29, 2020

Recently published in the American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD), “Adverse Medication Events Related to Hospitalization in the United States: A Comparison Between Adults With Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and Those Without” details the obstacles that Americans with an intellectual or developmental disability (IDD) face as it pertains to receiving and administering medication […]

SPARC Pledges Up To $10 Million For Drug Development Research at University of Michigan

January 13, 2020

Sun Pharma Advanced Research Company (SPARC) and the University of Michigan are collaborating to kickstart research and development  of potential new medications. The international pharmaceutical company will provide up to $10 million in funding and industry resources for new drug-discovery projects at Michigan Drug Discovery. The majority of the partnership will go towards funding early-stage […]

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception by Effervescent Microneedle Patch

November 18, 2019

Recently published in Science Advances, “long-acting reversible contraception by effervescent microneedle patch” describes a new contraceptive patch with biodegradable microneedles that release hormones under the skin. According to the authors from Georgia Tech and the University of Michigan, including Steven Schwendeman, PhD, Chair and Ara G. Paul Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, their work aims to […]