
At the Forefront of Making Profound and Positive Impacts on Society


Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education Wins Staff Impact Award

October 21, 2020

Congratulations to the Michigan Center for Interprofessional Education staff, who are among the honorees in U-M’s annual Staff Impact Awards program. The Center, housed in the College of Pharmacy and led by former dean Frank Ascione, was praised for helping faculty and administrators across U-M’s three campuses in creating opportunities for interprofessional engagement, collaboration, and innovation. Learn […]

Rho Chi Society Announcement for Alumni Members

October 19, 2020

The Rho Chi Society, now hosted at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, will celebrate its Centennial Anniversary in 2022, with national events from March 2021 through July 2022 at several professional pharmacy organization annual meetings. Connect with Rho Chi and fellow society alumni:  Update your Rho Chi member profile. Each member can choose to […]

Michigan Pharmacy Researchers Tackle COVID-19 From Every Angle

October 15, 2020

As the world continues to struggle with the COVID-19 pandemic, most Americans have seen large shifts in their daily lives. Similarly, research, practice, and education within the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy has undergone significant changes.  Students are practicing distant learning, utilizing new technologies during in-person classes, working in the lab in shifts, and creatively […]

Clashing Medications Can Put Older Adults at Risk, but Many Haven’t Had a Pharmacist Check for Safety Concerns

October 7, 2020

Two-thirds of older adults rely on at least two prescription drugs, and more than half take two or more non-prescription drugs or supplements. And two in ten take five or more prescription drugs. Some of those pills, capsules and tablets may interact with one another in ways that could put them at risk. But a […]

Phi Delta Chi Student Chapter Places Nationally in First-Ever Virtual Awards Ceremony

October 5, 2020

Like many events in 2020, Phi Delta Chi’s (PDC) annual National Award Ceremony went virtual for the first time in its history. PDC’s Executive Council filmed this year’s award results, with each Executive Council member recording from their own homes. The results were live streamed over Facebook, and Brothers could watch and live chat. This […]

University of Maryland and University of Michigan Receive $5 Million Grant from FDA for Center to Address Generic Drug Access and Safety

September 28, 2020

The University of Maryland School of Pharmacy (UMSOP) and the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy (U-M) have received a 5-year, $5 million grant from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to establish a joint Center for Research on Complex Generics (CRCG). The mission of CRCG is to increase access to safe and effective […]

Dr. Varsha Bhatt-Mehta wins ACCP Lifetime Achievement Award

September 8, 2020

Varsha Bhatt-Mehta, PharmD, MS, FCCP, has been honored with the Lifetime Achievement Award by the Pediatrics Practice and Research Network of the American College of Clinical Pharmacy. The award will be presented during the ACCP 2020 annual meeting on October 26. This award recognizes outstanding and sustained contributions to practice, education, research, service, and advocacy […]

Dr. Jasmine Luzum Publishes Review of Pharmacogenomics for COVID-19 Therapies

September 3, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic continues to impact global health and safety. Numerous drugs are under expedited investigations, without well-established safety or efficacy data. Jasmine Luzum, PharmD, PhD, BCPS, assistant professor of clinical pharmacy, has published a review of pharmacogenomics for COVID-19 therapies in a Nature journal. The goal of Dr. Luzum’s research is to use precision […]

Pharmacy Faculty Publish Paper on COVID-19 Field Hospital Formulary and Medication Distribution Process

August 25, 2020

Insights on developing a field hospital formulary and medication distribution process in preparation for a second surge of COVID-19 cases explores key considerations for the implementation of pharmacy operations and a field hospital formulary at an offsite location in a two-week period. Deborah Wagner, PharmD, Clinical Professor of Pharmacy and Anesthesiology, and collaborators drew on […]

Pharmacy Alumnus Wins ACCP New Investigator Award

August 18, 2020

Kyle Burghardt, PharmD’11, has been recognized by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) as a 2020 New Investigator Award winner. The goal of the New Investigator Award is to highlight the research program of an ACCP member who has made a major impact in an aspect of clinical pharmaceutical science. Nominees must have a […]