

Prof. George Garcia Named Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentor

June 24, 2020

George Garcia, PhD, Professor and Chair of Medicinal Chemistry and Director, Interdepartmental Program in Medicinal Chemistry, has been named a 2020 Rackham Distinguished Graduate Mentor. The award recognizes tenured faculty who are outstanding mentors of doctoral students, who support their intellectual, creative, scholarly, and professional growth, and foster a culture of intellectual engagement in which […]

Bruce A. Mueller to be Recommended as College of Pharmacy Interim Dean

June 17, 2020

By Hanna Quinlan This article was originally posted on the University Record. Read the original release. Bruce A. Mueller, professor and senior associate dean at the University of Michigan’s College of Pharmacy, will step in as interim dean of the college, effective July 1, subject to Board of Regents’ approval at the virtual June 25 […]

Dean James Dalton Named Executive Vice President and Provost at the University of Alabama

May 18, 2020

University of Michigan College of Pharmacy Dean James T. Dalton, PhD, has been named the next Executive Vice President and Provost at the University of Alabama, effective August 1. Provost Susan Collins will appoint an interim dean and outline a plan for a permanent dean search. Dean Dalton will work closely with the interim dean to […]

Gregory Amidon Re-Elected to USP Board

May 15, 2020

Congratulations to Gregory Amidon, PhD, Research Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, who was re-elected to serve on the US Pharmacopeia (USP) Board of Trustees representing pharmaceutical sciences at its Virtual Convention Governance Meeting in May.  Dr. Amidon’s appointment is from 2020 – 2025, he previously served on the Board from 2015-2020. Prof. Amidon received his BS in medicinal […]

American Heart Association Grant Launches New Wearable Health Technology Research Center at U-M

May 7, 2020

This article originally appeared on IHPI’s website, view the original article. A new University of Michigan research initiative aims to investigate how mobile health (mHealth) technology, such as smartwatches and smartphones, can be used to study and improve health behaviors among hypertensive populations.  The potential to improve hypertensive patient care inspired a multidisciplinary team of […]

Dr. Jamie Park Named AST Fellow

April 21, 2020

Jeong (Jamie) Park, MS, PharmD, has been named a Fellow of the American Society of Transplantation (FAST). The FAST designation recognizes American Society of Transplantation (AST) members who have demonstrated both an exceptional commitment to the field of transplantation and outstanding service to the AST.  Dr. Park is a clinical professor in the Department of […]

Dr. Jason Pogue Comments on Use of Chloroquine and Hydroxychloroquine Against Coronavirus

March 26, 2020

Jason Pogue, PharmD, infectious diseases clinical pharmacist at Michigan Medicine, and Clinical Professor at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, was recently interviewed for Michigan Radio’s Weekend All Things Considered program.  Listen to the interview and read the full text by Tyler Scott on Michigan Radio’s website.  Sparse anecdotal reports from China and France indicating the […]

Dr. Sarah Vordenberg Named Recipient of 2020 Teaching Excellence Award

March 10, 2020

Sarah Vordenberg, PharmD, has received the 2020 Teaching Excellence award. This award recognizes exceptional teaching in the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy’s PharmD and PhD programs. Dr. Vordenberg is a Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Clincal Pharmacy.  Dr. Vordenberg earned her Doctor of Pharmacy and Master of Public Health degrees from Northeast […]

Remembering Professor Eddie L. Boyd

March 10, 2020

Professor Eddie L. Boyd, PharmD, passed away on February 25, 2020.  Born May 7, 1939, Eddie grew up in Canton, Mississippi and after graduating from Cameron Street High School, enlisted in the U. S. Air Force in 1956. After completing his four-year commitment and receiving an honorable discharge, he completed the pre-pharmacy program at San Francisco City College then […]

U-M Pharmacy Dean James Dalton Elected as an AAAS Member-at-Large

March 3, 2020

James Dalton, PhD, Dean of the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy, was recently elected as an American Association for the Advancement of Science Member-at-Large on Pharmaceutical Sciences. As a Member-at-Large, Dean Dalton will participate in nominating and voting on elected Fellows for the Association, appointing a Section Secratary, and more.  Dean Dalton is widely recognized for […]