Entrepreneurship 599
***Note: ENTR 599 is a special topics course and the topics may change across terms. The special topic of "Organizational Values & Ethics" has been approved by the Curriculum and Assessment Committee for professional elective credit. Students wishing to take this course where the topic is different must submit a request to the Curriculum and Assessment Committee for review and approval.
Course overview for Org Values & Ethics in Entrepreneurship:
Drawing on real-life experiences and real-world companies, this course prepares students from all majors to examine ethical decision-making in the workplace by providing an opportunity to analyze ethical dilemmas, concepts, and ideas in order to develop strategies for addressing them. The impact of ethical concerns on entrepreneurs, start-ups, and the broader community will be explored through case studies, media, critically and intentionally thinking through dialogue, and the creation of team projects. The course combines self-reflective exercises, development, and analytical and practical skills for understanding the value of workplace ethics.