October 7, 2019
Dr. Amy Pasternak

“Pediatric brain cancers traditionally have limited treatment options with poor treatment responses,” notes Amy Pasternak, PharmD, BCPS, Clinical Assistant Professor. “An increased focus on precision medicine has identified many pediatric brain cancers have patterns of genetic mutations. Multiple hospitals have shown these genetic mutations can help to understand why the patient has developed the cancer or may find a personalized medication treatment that is targeted for the cancer.”

“In our recent paper, we describe when and what kind of genetic testing could be recommend for pediatric patients with brain cancer,” says Dr. Pasternak. “The paper also describes what is currently known about using personalized, targeted medications in pediatric patients with brain cancer and discusses the current evidence for using different targeted medications based on genetic testing results.

Read "Molecular profiling and targeted therapy in pediatric gliomas: review and consensus recommendations" on Neuro-Oncology's website