Prospective and Current Students Resources
Everything You Need to be Successful
Make the most out of your time at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy by using resources tailored to your success.
Financial Aid
Understand the ins-and-outs of your financial aid application and scholarship opportunities.
Course Catalog
A comprehensive guide to all classes available to College of Pharmacy students.
Student Disability Services
Learn about resources and the accommodation process for students with disabilities.
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
The College of Pharmacy has a dedicated CAPS counselor for students free of cost.
Student Employment Office
Search for Federal Work Study and regular part-time jobs on campus.
Transportation and Parking
Utilize the University’s bussing system or secure your parking pass for a campus lot or structure.
Maize and Blue Cupboard
On a tight budget or can’t make it to a grocery store? Take advantage of the University’s free pantry.
Clothes Closet
Whether you have a big interview or fancy event coming up, pick out a professional outfit free of cost.
Emergency Alert System
Ensure your contact information is correct to receive emergency alerts through the University.
Student Ombuds Office
If you are experiencing a dispute with the University, this office is your resource.