Vincent Marshall

Clinical Pharmacy

Vincent Marshall, MS

Statistician Senior

College of Pharmacy
428 Church St
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065

2569 NUB

Role Overview and Bio

Vince is a University of Michigan graduate from the School of Public Health (Biostatistics MS, 2010).  He has since been at the College working in Clinical Pharmacy.  He also works in the Pharmacy Department at Michigan Medicine.  He offers walk-in statistical advice to CP students and faculty, and participates in grant proposal and grant-related research, as well as a more constant, dedicated appointment.

Vince enjoys listening to music, gardening, backpacking, and regularly practices Buddhism at the Zen Buddhist Temple.


  • Statistician Senior

  • Run statistical analyses

  • Data management

  • Advise study teams on data and statistical analyses

  • Prepare results reports and contribute to methods and results of manuscripts

  • Maintain privacy and confidentialty of data