Kinda Hunter

Financial and Human Resources

Kinda Hunter

Administrative Assistant Senior

College of Pharmacy
428 Church St
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065

2053 Pharm

Role Overview and Bio

As a member of the finance team in the Office of Finance and Human Resources (OFHR), my role consists of assisting with the day-to-day operational requirements of initiating payment transactions, maintaining detailed records, and providing guidance and interpretation of U-M policies related to procurement, Chrome River processing, and other financial transactions.

I possess over 20 years of experience in the administrative financial field, working in multiple industries, including consulting, automotive and education. Working across multiple fields has strengthened my ability to collaborate with others and maintain effective processes and professional relationships.


Working Remotely

M,T,W,F 7:30am – 4pm

Th 8:30am-5pm


  • Admin Assistant Senior

  • Internal Financial Monitoring

  • financial transaction processes

  • Financial Operations Continuous Improvement

  • Procurement Related Finance Review