Clinical Pharmacy
Gregory Eschenauer, PharmD
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist, Michigan Medicine
College of Pharmacy
428 Church St
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065
300 VV
Role Overview and Bio
Gregory Eschenauer is a Clinical Professor in the Department of Clinical Pharmacy at the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy and clinical pharmacy specialist in infectious diseases at Michigan Medicine. Dr. Eschenauer received his Doctor of Pharmacy from Butler University and completed his pharmacy practice and infectious diseases specialty residencies at the University of Michigan. Since completing his residency, Dr. Eschenauer served as an infectious diseases clinical pharmacist at New York Presbyterian Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center prior to joining the University of Michigan.
2023 Department of Clinical Pharmacy’s Faculty Preceptor of the Year award
2021 Michigan Society of Health-System Pharmacists Professional Practice Award
Student Appreciation Award – P3 class, Phi Delta Chi, University of Michigan, College of Pharmacy
Research Interests
Antifungal pharmacotherapy
Antimicrobial stewardship
Selected Publications
Ravikumar R, Arora NS, Hanson R, Barhitte L, Nagel J, Aitken SL, Spranger E, Bashaw L, Gandhi T, Marshall VD, Eschenauer GA. A novel two-step process for the management of inpatient beta-lactam allergy labels. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 2024;132:525-531.
Eschenauer GA. Antifungal Therapies for Aspergillus spp.: Present and Future. Semin Respir Crit Care Med 2024;45:61-68.
Carver PL, Eschenauer GA. Invasive Fungal Infections. In: DiPiro JT, Yee GC, Posey LM, Haines ST, Nolin TD, Ellingrod V. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach. 12th ed. USA: McGraw Hill, 2022.
Somers EC, Eschenauer GA, Troost JP, Golob JL, Gandhi TN, Wang L, Zhou N, Petty LA, Baang JH, Dillman NO, Frame D, Gregg KS, Kaul DR, Nagel J, Patel TS, Zhou S, Lauring AS, Hanauer DA, Martin E, Sharma P, Fung CM, Pogue JM. Tocilizumab for treatment of mechanically ventilated patients with COVID-19. Clin Infect Dis 2021;73(2):e445-e454.
Tran N, Mills JP, Zimmerman C, Gandhi TN, Tribble AC, Petty LA, Nagel J, Brancaccio A, Scappaticci G, Patel T, Dillman NO, Regal R, Klein KC, Washer L, Marshall VD, Sweeney J, Rao K, Eschenauer GA. Incorporating Preauthorization into Antimicrobial Stewardship Pharmacist Workflow Reduces Clostridioides difficile and Gastrointestinal Panel Testing. Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2020;41:1136- 1141.
Lew AK, Crass RL, Eschenauer G. Evolution of Equations for Estimating Renal Function and Their Application to the Dosing of New Antimicrobials. Ann Pharmacother 2020;54:496- 503.
Patel T, Carver P, Eschenauer GA. Are In Vitro Susceptibilities to Azole Antifungals Predictive of Clinical Outcome in the Treatment of Candidemia?” J Clin Microbiol 2018;56:e01072-18.
Carver PL, Eschenauer GA, Stuckey L, Patel T. Antifungal Prophylaxis in Lung Transplant Recipients. Transplantation 2016;100:1815-1826.
Eschenauer GA, Kwak EJ, Potoski BA, Clarke LG, Shields RK, Abdel-Massih R, Silveira FP, Vergidis P, Clancy CJ, Nguyen MH. Targeted versus Universal Antifungal Prophylaxis among Liver Transplant Recipients. Am J Transplant 2015;15:180-9.
Eschenauer GA, Nguyen MH, Clancy CJ. Is Fluconazole or an Echinocandin the Agent of Choice for Candidemia. Ann Pharmacotherapy 2015;49:1068-1074.
Lam SW, Eschenauer GA, Carver PL. Evolving role of early antifungals in the intensive care unit. Crit Care Med 2009;37:1580- 1593.