Sandra Crump

Research Administration

Sandra Crump

Research Administrator Associate

College of Pharmacy
428 Church St
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1065

1020 Pharm

Role Overview and Bio

Sandra became a part of the College of Pharmacy in April 2023.  She has a dual role as a Research Administrator and a Research Initiative Assistant.   2023 was also the first year transitioning from an administrative assistant to an RA.
In 2011, she attended Lawrence Technological University in the Media Communication program. She got the opportunity to intern at Fox 2 (WJBK) Detroit.
Sandra holds a Master’s of Management degree from Walsh College and a Bachelor of Arts from Northwood University.


  • Research Administrator Associate

  • General Research Administration Activities

  • Manage Pharmacy Research Initiative Website

  • Pre-Award Activities

  • General Support to Associate Dean for Research