Pharmaceutical Sciences

Meet the Pharmaceutical Sciences Team


Takahashi, Mariko , PhD

Assistant Research Scientist

Tessier, Peter

Albert M. Mattocks Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, College of Pharmacy, and Professor of Chemical Engineering, College of Engineering

Research Topics

  • The Tessier lab aims to develop best-in-class therapeutic antibodies and apply them to address multiple key biomedical challenges:

    1. Conformational antibodies that selectively recognize protein aggregates for detecting and treating neurodegenerative disorders
    2. Brain-targeted bispecific antibodies for detecting and treating neurological disorders
    3. Agonist antibodies that activate T cells for treating cancer
    4. Neutralizing antibodies for treating COVID-19 and other infectious diseases
    5. Potent antibody-drug conjugates for treating cancer

  • To accomplish this, we develop next-generation technologies for designing, discovering, engineering, characterizing, formulating and delivering therapeutic antibodies. Our technology development efforts are focused in three main areas:

    1. Protein engineering and directed evolution
    2. Biomolecular screening and high-throughput characterization
    3. Machine learning and computational predictions

  • Our interdisciplinary research program uses experimental and computational approaches for generating new fundamental insights into protein structure and function, molecular origins of protein-protein interactions, and molecular determinants of key antibody properties (stability, solubility, specificity and affinity). Our development of novel high-throughput screening and machine learning methods is focused on discovering therapeutic antibody candidates with drug-like properties.