Our People, Your Network

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Dulo, Noelia

Temporary Research Assistant

Clinical Pharmacy

Edwards, Angel

Graduate Student

Clinical Pharmacy

Eisa, Nada

Research Fellow

Medicinal Chemistry

Ellingrod, Vicki , PharmD, FCCP, FACNP

Dean and John Gideon Searle Professor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy; Professor of Psychiatry, Medical School; and Adjunct Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts

Office of the Dean

Emmel, Timothy

Graduate Student

Medicinal Chemistry

Eneli, Adaeze

Graduate Student

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Erickson, Steven , PharmD

Associate Professor of Clinical Pharmacy

Clinical Pharmacy

Eschenauer, Gregory , PharmD

Clinical Professor of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist, Michigan Medicine

Clinical Pharmacy

Esser, Yannik

Graduate Student

Medicinal Chemistry

Estes, Taylor

Temp-Laborer General

Facilities and Safety

Eze, Chinwe

Research Fellow

Clinical Pharmacy

Farina, Nicholas

Surgery Clinical Pharmacist-Specialist and Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy

Clinical Pharmacy

Farris, Karen , PhD

Senior Associate Dean, Charles R. Walgreen III Professor of Pharmacy Administration and Professor of Social and Administrative Sciences

Clinical Pharmacy

Ferguson, Caitlin

Assistant Director of Community Engagement and Adjunct Lecturer

Community Health and Engagement

Flott, Thomas

Research Lab Specialist Associate

Clinical Pharmacy

Frame, David , PharmD

Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist, Michigan Medicine

Clinical Pharmacy

Frazier, Madison

Graduate Student

Medicinal Chemistry

Freese VI, Charles

Temporary Research Assistant I

Clinical Pharmacy

Frydendall, Elyse

Graduate Student

Medicinal Chemistry

Fu, Yao

Graduate Student

Medicinal Chemistry