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2560E NUB
2560 NUB
B520-1360 NCRC
Ellingrod, Vicki , PharmD, FCCP, FACNP
Dean and John Gideon Searle Professor of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy; Professor of Psychiatry, Medical School; and Adjunct Professor of Psychology, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts
1056 Pharm
4569 NUB
2002 Pharm
3567 NUB
Eschenauer, Gregory , PharmD
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist, Michigan Medicine
300 VV
3606 Chem
1019 Pharm
3571 NUB
Farina, Nicholas
Surgery Clinical Pharmacist-Specialist and Adjunct Clinical Instructor in Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy
2568 NUB
Farris, Karen , PhD
Senior Associate Dean, Charles R. Walgreen III Professor of Pharmacy Administration and Professor of Social and Administrative Sciences
3569 NUB
Ferguson, Caitlin
Assistant Director of Community Engagement and Adjunct Lecturer
3568 NUB
3059 Pharm
Frame, David , PharmD
Clinical Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist, Michigan Medicine
10-561F CW
4569 NUB
3567 NUB
2009 Pharm
4569 NUB