Clinical Pharmacy
Meet the Clinical Pharmacy Faculty
Carver, Peggy , PharmD
Associate Professor of Pharmacy and Clinical Pharmacist, Michigan Medicine
Research Topics
Epidemiology, prevention, and treatment of fungal infections
Drug interactions with antifungal agents
The role of metal ions in infectious diseases
Choe, Hae Mi , PharmD
Associate Dean and Clinical Professor, College of Pharmacy, Associate Chief Clinical Officer for Quality and Care Innovations UMMG
Research Topics
Disease management in diabetes, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia and its impact on patient outcome
Pharmacoeconomic impact of clinical pharmacist interventions
Expansion of clinical pharmacist role in ambulatory care clinics
Clark, John , PharmD
Clinical Professor of Pharmacy and Associate Chief Pharmacy Officer, Michigan Medicine
Research Topics
Pharmacy residency training
Pharmacy staffing models
Joint Commission readiness
Patient safety
Documentation and acceptance of pharmacists’ clinical interventions
Use of technology to improve patient care
Coe, Antoinette , PharmD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Clinical Pharmacy
Research Topics
Strategies to improve transitions of care and medication use in older adults with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias
Implementation and dissemination of pharmacist-provided comprehensive medication reviews to ensure safe and effective medication use in older adults
Impact of pharmacists’ care on health outcomes in innovative, interprofessional patient care models
Strategies and policies which address health disparities to improve health and medication-related outcomes in older adults