Listing Row
- P1 Communications Liaison
- Liaisons will be announced by the beginning of October! Attend our first general member meeting to learn more about the application process!
The Communications Liaison works closely with the Communications Vice President in all things related to public relations and communications. This consists of managing all forms of media for advertising events and reaching out to the community. Examples include our website, Facebook, Instagram, display case, printed flyers, advertising on the radio and newspaper, and any other creative method you can think of!
*Note that only P1s are eligible for the Communications liaison position.
- P1 Membership Liaison
- Liaisons will be announced by the beginning of October! Attend our first general member meeting to learn more about the application process!
The Membership Liaison works with the Membership Vice President to communicate APhA-ASP news to fellow classmates, encourage P1 membership registration and write articles that will be included in the bi-monthly email newsletters. In addition, the Membership Liaison will help the President in planning the "Academy Awards" at the end of winter semester.
*Note that only P1s are eligible for the Membership Liaison position.
- P4 Liaison
- Operation Reproductive Health Liaison
- Liaisons will be announced by the beginning of October! Attend our first general member meeting to learn more about the application process!
The Operation Reproductive Health Liaison assists the Policy Vice President in addressing the health educational needs of women and incorporating this mission within chapter events as part of the Reproductive Health Campaign for APhA-ASP. The goals of this program include: (1) Increasing student awareness on needs for reproductive health education; (2) Providing education in critical areas of reproductive health including HPV vaccine and roles in reproductive health; and (3) Promoting the profession of pharmacy and the role of pharmacists as a resource for reproductive health.
- Fundraising and Social Liaisons
- Liaisons will be announced by the beginning of October! Attend our first general member meeting to learn more about the application process!
Fundraising Liaisons assist the Fundraising and Social committee chairs, as well as the Finance Vice President, in planning fundraisers that keep our organization running. We are looking for applicants who have fun and creative ideas and will promote the fundraising and social events to their classmates.